Wufei’s Party

by Us

    The setting is Wufei’s medium sized house. Wufei (four-years-old turning five) walks out and in front of his two parents who, although they are standing next to each other, are still standing about three feet away. He bows to them and then straightens up.

    Wufei Mom- (In Chinese.) "You’re sure your guests know the rules of the house?"

    Wufei- He bows to her. "Yes. I will do my best to contain my friends."

    Wufei Dad- "Good." Looks at watch. "They were supposed to get here at 6:00! It is 6:02 now! Your friends are late Wufei!"

Wufei- Bowing. "Sorry father." All of a sudden, the doorbell rings. Wufei goes to the door and opens it to reveal Trowa standing at the door with his parents. Each holding a chalkboard.

     Trowa- "Hi."

     Trowa Mom- "Happy Birthday"! Wufei barely lets out a smile…just barely, and takes his present from Trowa and places it by the fireplace. He leads Trowa into his house and introduces him to his parents.

     Wufei- "Trowa, these are my parents, they don’t speak any English." Trowa nods. Wufei turns to his parents. Mom, dad, this is Trowa, he doesn’t speak.

     Trowa- "That’s okay, I can write and understand Chinese."

     Wufei- "Good." The doorbell rings again. Wufei and Trowa go to it. Standing there is Quatre.

     Quatre- "HAPPY BIRTHDAY WUFEI!!" He hugs him. Wufei pushes him away. "Whoops, sorry. I forgot about the whole PERSONAL SPACE thing!! SORRY!!" He hands Wufei a large bag. "There are MANY presents in there!!" Wufei puts the bag next to Trowa’s. Wufei takes Quatre through the introductions with his parents.

     Wufei- "Quatre, these are my parents, they don’t speak any English."

     Quatre- "PLEASED TO MEET YOU!! " Holds out his hand. Wufei’s parents stare at it for a minute before Quatre lowers it.

     Wufei- Mom, dad, this is Quatre…he’s very rich."

     Wufei Dad- How rich?

     Wufei- "Richer than the emperor. Wufei’s parents both smile at each other.

     Quatre- "I don’t know what you said but they’re smiling so it must be GOOD!!" The doorbell rings again. And again and again. Wufei answers the door and Duo is standing there holding a large package.

     Duo- "HIYA WUFEI!! He thrusts the package into Wufei’s chest. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Wufei takes DUO through the introductions.

     Wufei- "Duo, these are my parents, they don’t speak English."

     Duo-" BOR-RING!" He looks around at all the glass and clay figurines around the house. What can I touch?

     Wufei- "Mom, Dad, this is Duo. Keep a close eye on him."

     Wufei Mom- "How close?"

     Wufei- Looking at Duo as he inches closer to a glass swan. "VERY close. Duo, don’t touch that!"

     Quatre- "Wow, you make the transfer from Chinese to English very well! You wouldn’t believe how hard it is for me to transfer from Arabian to English!"

     Duo- "And I can speak every language! Especially English cause that’s the only one I know!"

     Trowa- "I can’t speak any but I can understand and write them all."

     Duo- "TROWA WE CAN’T READ!!" All of a sudden, the ceiling blasts open. Heero Mom, Heero Dad and Heero slide down on harnesses. Heero Mom helps Heero out of his harness.

     Heero Mom-" Remember, do not leave the house this time."

     Heero Dad- "Your mission is to have fun at his party and not to leave."

     Heero-"Mission understood. And your mission IS to leave."

     Heero Mom and Heero Dad- "Mission accepted." They press a little button and it pulls them up through the blasted ceiling.

     Wufei- "Heero, these are my parents, they don’t speak any English."

     Duo- "You already TOLD us that!"

     Heero-" Understood."

     Wufei- "Mom, Dad, this is Heero. Be careful of him and he probably has a gun."

     Wufei Mom- "Isn’t he a little young to have a gun?"

     Wufei- "Mom, Dad, I have a sword so a gun is pretty normal."

     Wufei Dad- But, a gun is a gun. A sword…now that’s a weapon. I remember MY first sword!

     Duo- "Can we stop talking in Chinese cause I can’t understand it!?"

     Wufei- "Sorry. Now, come to the kitchen where we will eat our dinner. He turns to his parents." Do we have any forks?

     Wufei Mom- What is a fork?

     Wufei Dad- "I think it is the things that everyone else uses."

     Wufei- "Turning to the others. I’m sorry. We don’t have any forks."

     Duo- "Well, didn’t you go for American food where you can get forks in little packages?"

     Wufei- No. We don’t go out. " They enter and sit around the table. Wufei Mom, Wufei Dad and Wufei are all sitting by themselves and everyone else is scrunched up on one side of the table. Wufei Mom serves everyone and pours everyone tea.

     Duo- "Ew, gross!"

     Wufei- "Do we have anything else they can drink?"

     Wufei Mom- "Perhaps some water?" Wufei Mom takes the tea away and hands them all water.

     Quatre- "That’s okay, I always drink tea!"

     Trowa- Me too, I like tea.

     Heero- I don’t care.

Wufei Mom- Pointing to them all with a confused expression on her face. What?

     Wufei- "They’re saying that they don’t mind tea. Just get Duo some water." Wufei Mom gives Duo some water.

     Duo- "What’s this? Water?! I don't want WATER! I want APPLE JUICE!"

     Wufei- "Just take it."

     Duo- "Fine! But I'm telling my mom because she always lets me have apple juice at dinnertime!" He looks down at his food. "This isn't the stuff that I get at Fast Wonk with my mom and dad and three sisters and eight brothers! I want some General Gao's Chicken!"

     Wufei- "We aren't Fast Wonk."

     Duo- "But I want General Gao's Chicken!"

     Wufei- Sarcastically. "That IS General Gao Chicken."

     Duo-" Oh, okay." He picks up his chopsticks. He looks around to see Quatre struggling with the chopsticks. He also sees that Heero is just eating with his hands. Probably gave up. Trowa is using the chopsticks. But then again, Trowa can do everything…except talk. Duo picks up one chopstick and spears a piece of chicken with it and eats it. He continues this. Wufei's parents look at him.

     Wufei Mom- " Is there something wrong with this child?"

     Wufei- "Yes." Dinner continues like this until all of a sudden, Wufei Dad stands up quickly and stares at Wufei angrily.

     Wufei Dad- Pointing to a single grain of rice on the table. "Wufei, you dishonor me." Wufei stands up and bows to his father. Wufei Mom buries her face in her hands and starts crying. Everyone else looks up.

     Duo-" Wufei, what's going on?"

     Wufei-" SILENCE!! I have dishonored my family. "

     Quatre- "How did you do that? I didn't see you do anything wrong."

     Wufei-" I have spilled my food. He points to the grain of rice on the table. He looks like he is trying to hold back his tears. "

     Duo- Looking at his place setting. There is more rice on the table than in the bowl. True, he was eating rice with chopsticks but STILL.  "Is that all? I thought you had done something BAD!!"

     Wufei- "This IS bad!!"

     Wufei Dad- "And in front of your guests too"

     Wufei- Bowing. "Sorry father."

     Quatre- "It's not THAT big of a…"

     Wufei Dad- "Silence your friends, Wufei".

     Wufei- "SILENCE!!" After Wufei's lecture from his dad, the dinner finishes surprisingly in silence. Wufei Mom gets up and clears everyone's plates as Wufei Dad gets up and motions to everyone to follow him outside. He leads them to a little hut-type thing in the backyard. They all go inside. Wufei Dad takes them into a side room and pulls out four miniature black karate uniforms and hands them to the four boys. Wufei puts on his white one.

     Quatre- Politely. "Do you have any more white ones?"

     Wufei- "No. I'm special."

     Wufei Dad- "Take them to get washed and dressed, Wufei

     Wufei- Yes father. He turns to everyone else. "Come with me." They all follow Wufei into a room filled with woman and washtubs. He directs each boy to a certain woman to be washed up at.

     Random Woman- Should we sing the Mulan song, Wufei?

     Wufei- Looking as if this is a really tough decision. "Not today." He leaves the room and joins his dad in the other room.

     Quatre- "Can I wash myself?"

     Random Woman #2- "QUIET!!"

     Quatre- "Umm…okay, sorry."

     Random Woman #3- "AHHHHH!! HE WENT UNDER AGAIN!!" A few other women walk over. They begin frantically searching for something in the water. After about a minute, Duo pops his head up gasping for air.

     Duo- "You aren't very good finders!! I could have drowned!!" After all four boys are washed thoroughly and dressed, they are directed to another group of woman. Wufei comes back in for this part.

     Wufei- "These women will do your hair." He leaves again. Each boy is told to sit in front of a woman and they immediately get to work on their hair.


     Random Woman #4- "Umm, this one's hair is a bit short."

     Random Woman #5- "Just pull it tighter."

     Quatre- "AHHHHHH!!"

     Random Woman #6- "This one has really short hair too!!" Pointing to Heero.

     Random Woman #5- "Pull it tighter!!"

     Random Woman #6- "He seems to be immune to the pain."

     Heero- "I feel no pain."

     Random Woman #7- About Trowa. "This one has no back hair but all of his hair is in the front!!"

     Trowa- You can just leave my hair the way it is.

     Random Woman #7- "No, we must put it up.?"

Random Woman #5- "PULL IT TIGHTER!!"

     Random Woman #8- About Duo. "This one's got too much hair all around!!"

     Duo- "Can you hurry up and put my hair up, I don't like wearing it down." The woman pulls tightly on Duo's hair and wraps it into a tiny little bun. "WOW!! How'd you get it so small?!" The women direct the boys back into the room where Wufei and his dad wait.

     Wufei- "We're going to…"

     Duo- "What are we doing here?!"

     Wufei- "I was just about to explain that. There is a long pause as the four guests stare at each other. We are going to practice our fighting skills."

     Quatre- "But we shouldn't be fighting at all!"

     Wufei- "But we need to practice just in case we are forced to or something."

     Quatre- "I guess that makes sense."

     Duo- "Is this an option? Can I skip this?"

     Wufei- "NO! We MUST do it!"

     Wufei Dad- Tell your friends to get in a line. Put the more skilled ones in back and the less skilled ones up front so I can assist them."

     Wufei- "Should we give them belts?"

     Wufei Dad- "That would make it easier." Wufei and Wufei Dad discus what they should do in the background.

     Duo- Whispering to Quatre. "Gee, I wish I knew what they were saying! It's getting annoying!"

     Quatre- "Sarcastically. I thought you spoke all languages."

     Duo- "I do! I said I SPOKE all languages but I never said I knew them or understood them!"

     Wufei-" All right, we're going to give you all belts. My dad is going to judge you. I will tell you to do something and you will do it. Get in a line." They all get in a line. "Now, KICK!" Heero kicks perfectly. Trowa spins then kicks. Duo kicks normally but with a bent leg. Quatre kicks but then he falls down. "Now, PUNCH!" Heero punches perfectly. Trowa does a routine then punches. Duo punches normally. Quatre punches but then complains about how his elbow snapped when he did it. "Now, BLOCK!" Heero blocks perfectly. Trowa flips then blocks. Duo puts his arms in front of his face. Quatre doesn't know what it means to block." JUMP KICK!" Heero does it perfectly. Trowa back flips into the air then kicks. Duo jumps and snaps his leg out. Quatre jumps but loses his balance when he lands again and falls down. He never DID kick because he was too scared. "DUCK!"  Heero ducks perfectly. Trowa does some kind of elaborate ducking thing that ends in a split. Duo jumps on the ground. Quatre is still on the floor from before so he just stays there. Okay, my dad has decided your belts. Wufei Dad hands Heero and Trowa black belts. He hands Duo a yellow belt and doesn't give Quatre a belt.

     Quatre- "Hey, I didn't get one!"

     Wufei- "Don't worry, that just means you're special and you get special treatment."

     Quatre- Not understanding. "Okay…"

     Duo- "Yellow is a yucky color! Heero, you wanna trade? Black's my favorite color!"

     Heero- "Uh, okay. He hands Duo the black one and ties the yellow one around his waist."

     Quatre- Walking over to Trowa with big puppy eyes. " Trowa? Do you really WANT that belt? Can I have it?" Trowa shakes his head and ALMOST, not really, but ALMOST smiles and hands Quatre the belt. Quatre beams as he starts to struggle to tie the belt around his waist.

     Wufei Dad- "Tell the yellow and no-belt to go with you and I have special training for the black belts. Go easy on the yellow and the no belt."

     Wufei- "Duo, Quatre, go with my dad. Come on Heero and Trowa." Wufei, Heero and Trowa go into the other room.

     Duo- "Why are we here?"

     Wufei Dad- Taking out a Chinese-English dictionary. "You better."

     Quatre- "Cool! I feel special! That's what Wufei meant by, 'special treatment'."

     Duo- "So what are we gonna do? I think I wanna practice more jump kicks cause those are fun! " Wufei Dad scans his dictionary and looks up about five minutes later.

     Wufei Dad- "We start with contact fighting."

     Quatre- To Duo. "His English is worse than I thought! I thought he said CONTACT FIGHTING!"

     Duo- "I know! I wanna do JUMP KICKS! " Starts doing what he thinks is a jump kick. Wufei Dad stops him.

     Wufei Dad- "CONTACT FIGHTING."

     Quatre- A little shakier. "That sounded VERY much like contact fighting to me!"

     Duo- "No, I'm sure he said jump kicks." Wufei Dad grabs each one of their hands (Chinese-English dictionary under arm) and leads them into a room that is completely empty and padded with white padding.

     Wufei Dad- "This where we do contact fighting. I will do with one of you first."

     Quatre- "You go first, Duo! You can do those JUMP KICKS against him!"

     Duo- "Okay! I'm gonna beat you up and you're gonna go to the hospital cause my jump kicks are the bomb! " Duo goes out. He jump kicks Wufei Dad and misses. Wufei Dad grabs his outstretched leg and flips him over. "WAAAAAHH! YOUR TURN, QUATRE!"

     Quatre-" No, you didn't hit him with your jump kicks yet!"

     Duo- "But I don't want to! I need to practice some more! " He goes over and pushes Quatre out towards Wufei Dad.

     Quatre- "I'm not very good at this so don't hurt me because we shouldn't be fighting at all in the first place anyway!" Quatre starts to attempt to hit Wufei Dad but he just grabs his arm and flips him over by his arm. "WAAAAAHH!"

     Wufei Dad- Leaving Quatre and Duo mourning over their 'wounds' and goes into the room where Wufei is. He sees Trowa and Heero fighting with Wufei professionally. "Are you sure that the blond kid and the annoying one are the black belts?"

     Wufei- "I think there was a mix up because at first I went easy on them but they pinned me. I think they must have traded belts when we weren't looking."

     Trowa- "Yeah, Heero and Duo traded and I gave Quatre my belt. We didn't think it would make a difference." Wufei and Wufei Dad slap their foreheads. Before they can say anything, Wufei Mom comes in.

     Wufei Mom- "It's MULAN time!" Wufei Dad and Wufei get really excited looks on their faces.

     Trowa- "What is Mulan time?"

     Wufei Mom- "It's when we all spend time to watch Mulan."

     Heero- "The only thing I can understand is 'MULAN' in these sentences. What are we going to do?"

     Wufei-" We're going to watch Mulan! " All of a sudden, they all hear a shrill 'OW!!'. They all go to the black belt room to see Quatre nursing his fist next to a punching bag while Duo is doing jump kicks while screaming, "YA!!"

     Duo-" YA!! YA!! YA!!"

     Quatre- "OW!! These punching bags are too hard!!" He starts to cry.

     Duo-" YA!! YA!! YA!! I think I've got them down!!"

     Wufei- "Okay…well, come on Duo and Quatre! It's Mulan time!!"

     Duo-" What's Mulan time?"

     Wufei- "When my family sits down and watches Mulan."

     Duo- "But we watched Mulan at Quatre's birthday party!"

     Wufei- "And we're watching it now. Now come on." Everyone follows Wufei inside as he leads everyone into a room that is completely empty except for a T.V. and a few pillows on the floor. Everything is white.

     Duo- Diving for the most comfortable looking pillow while piling others around him. "I call these five pillows!!"

     Wufei- "No. You have to share! There isn't enough for that." Duo gives up all his pillows except for the big comfortable looking one. Everyone sits on a pillow. Wufei and his parents isolate themselves from everyone else. Wufei Mom puts the movie in the VCR. The first preview comes on. The guy starts talking but it's in Chinese.

     Duo- "Hey! What gives?! It's in a different language!"

     Wufei- "SILENCE!! Mulan Time has begun."

     Duo- "Well then." About ten minutes into the movie, Duo and Quatre pull themselves away from Mulan Time.

     Quatre- "This isn't very polite."

     Duo- "Who cares! I'm bored!" Hehits Quatre with his pillow.

     Quatre- "HEY!! Hits him back. Pretty soon, Duo and Quatre are engaged in a pillow fight complete with screaming, laughing and flying feathers."

     Wufei's whole family- "SILENCE!! " Quatre and Duo turn around, covered in feathers. They both sit back down and continue watching Mulan. They get bored after about five minutes and venture into the next room. All around the room are handmade glass and clay figures.

     Duo- "COOL!!"

     Quatre- Resisting urge to touch everything. "No! I must hold myself back!!"

     Duo- Not resisting at all. Must…touch…breakable…"

     Quatre- "Usually, I'm GOOD about this… but this stuff is so…new…different…HANDMADE!!"

     Duo- "AND BREAKABLE!!"

     Quatre- Picking up a small glass unicorn. "OOOOOH!!"

     Duo- Grabbing unicorn from Quatre but stumbling and dropping it. "Oops."

     Quatre- "We must FIX it!!"

     Duo- "Did they hear us?"

     Quatre- "No, they're too absorbed in "Mulan Time"

     Duo- "GOOD!! Now, where would Wufei's family keep the glue?" Begins searching through cabinets while throwing its contents onto the floor.

     Quatre- "Duo! You're making a mess!"

     Duo- "We'll pick it up AFTER!!" Wufei Mom, hearing this commotion, comes in and sees the mess. She calls Wufei in. Wufei comes in grumbling about how he HATES being interrupted during "Mulan Time" He stops his complaining and his eyes open wide at the mess.

     Wufei- "What happened in here?

Duo- Umm, the unicorn fell…we didn't drop it…it fell!! We were looking for glue to fix it and we were GONNA pick up the mess but…"

     Wufei Mom- "Wufei, I'll pick up the mess. You take your friends to do something that they'd be more interested in."

     Wufei- "But Mulan…"

     Wufei Mom- "I'm sorry."


     Quatre- "Yeah, let's open presents."

     Trowa- Coming in from the other room. "You're missing Mulan."

     Wufei- "Sadly. Yeah, we're not watching the rest of it."

     Duo- Sticks head in other room. " HEERO!! Come on, Wufei's gonna open his presents now!! " Heero comes in. All four of the boys pick up there own present from the fire place. "OPEN MINE FIRST!!" He plunks the huge present onto Wufei's lap. Wufei individually pulls off each piece of tape to reveal a skateboard. He then folds the wrapping paper up neatly and gives it to his mom.

     Wufei- "A skateboard?"

     Duo- "Yeah! My mom took me to the toy store and I saw it with a sign that said, "Please take this skateboard." So I did."

     Wufei- "Okay. I am grateful." He places his gift aside. Quatre hands him his.

     Quatre- "I hope you like them! There's a lot in that bag!!" Wufei pulls out a small leather belt, a huge package of candy (that later somehow makes its way into Duo's bag.), a journal and a series of comic books (In Chinese).

     Wufei-" I am grateful Quatre." He places them aside. He picks up Trowa's gift. He opens it to reveal a chalkboard identical to his and Quatre's. "I am grateful." He takes his gift from Heero. Inside the poorly wrapped package is a small revolver. "I am grateful."

     Wufei Dad- "A GUN?!"

     Wufei Mom- "Dear…"

     Wufei Dad- "What's wrong with a good ol' sword like I used to have?!" He continues in the background while Wufei repeats to everyone how grateful he is. Wufei Mom looks at the clock. It was 9:30.

     Wufei Mom- "Wufei, tell your friends that it's time to go to bed now."

     Wufei- "Umm, my mom says that we have to go to bed now."

     Duo- "Aw, come on. Just FIVE more minutes."

     Wufei- "No, we have to go now."

     Duo- "Two more minutes."

     Wufei- "No."

     Duo- "ONE more minute." Wufei doesn't have time to answer because Duo falls drops to the ground, fast asleep. Wufei Dad picks up the snoring Duo and carried him into the other room where Wufei Mom had earlier set up everyone's sleeping bags. He put Duo on his and left. Everyone else changed into their pajamas and sat in a circle in the corner. Quatre pulls out a flashlight.

     Quatre- "Let's tell SCARY stories. Only…not TOO scary." He gets his possessed face and starts laughing like a freak.

     Heero- "Quatre, you're scaring us."

     Quatre- "Oh, sorry."

     Wufei- "So, who will start?"

     Quatre- "TROWA!!"

     Trowa- "Okay." He takes a minute and writes a huge long elaborate story and then presents it to everyone. He looks a little nervous and he is shivering because his story is so scary. The three stare blankly at the story for a minute.

     Quatre- "Umm, okay. Who's next?"

     Heero- "I'll go."

     Quatre- "GOODIE!!"

     Heero- "Once upon a time… "He goes into great detail telling about a deranged serial killer named Bob. It is very bloody and many people die and get mangled. He told, in VERY GREAT length, the detail of each murder. "And then, as Bob peeled away Mary's flesh he laughed evilly to himself and scratched his name on her shaved, scalped head with the hook where his left hand is supposed to be. He thought to himself…"

     Quatre-" THAT'S ENOUGH!!" He is hugging his pillow closely and shivering like one of those vibratey pens.

     Wufei- Not looking scared at all. "Finish the story."

     Heero-" Okay. " Seems to drift off into the shadows. "And as Bob thought to himself, "What a great murderer I am." He then looked out the window to see an even BETTER killer than him. His name…HEERO!!"

     Quatre- "AHHHHHHHH!!" Dives into sleeping bag. Wufei Mom comes in. She pulls Quatre out from his sleeping bag and holds him out, shivering and sweating. She looks at Wufei.

     Wufei Mom- "What's all the screaming about?"

     Wufei- "We were telling scary stories and he got scared."

     Wufei Mom- "But you're supposed to be asleep!! Go to sleep now!! If I hear another sound, that's the LAST sleepover that YOU have." She puts Quatre down and leaves the room. Wufei looks angrily at Quatre.

     Wufei-" Look what you did!"

     Quatre- "Sorry." Wufei goes and shuts the lights off. Everyone climbs into their sleeping bags and falls asleep. Ten minutes later, Quatre's eyes light up the dark room. He looks around. Duo shifts in his sleeping bag. "EEP! What was that? It's BOB! He's over by DUO!!" He crawls over to Duo. "Duo…Duo…wake up!! Bob the murderer is gonna KILL you!!"

     Duo- "Wha…?"

     Quatre- "I heard him I SAW him!"

     Duo- Trying to keep his eyes open." Who?"

     Quatre- "Bob the Murderer!!"

     Duo- Looking confused. "Shut-up!!" He slams his head on his pillow and falls asleep.

     Quatre- "I guess I'm on my own." He opens the door to the rest of the house and goes out into the kitchen to see Wufei Mom watching T.V. She looks up at him and sighs. She gets up and gets him a glass of water and when he's not looking, slips a sleeping drug into it. Quatre drinks it nervously and collapses on the ground fast asleep. Wufei Mom carries him back into the other room and puts him in his sleeping bag. Then she leaves. THE NEXT MORNING… at about 7:30 in the morning.

     Wufei- "WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!! It's 7:34!! You've wasted FOUR minutes of the day!! It's breakfast time!!" Heero and Trowa get up without a word but they notice that Quatre hasn't budged. "QUATRE!!"

     Quatre- Loud snoring noises.

     "Look behind you!! AHHHHHHH!!" More loud snoring noises.

     Wufei- "Okay, we'll get him LATER."

     Heero- "I detect a sleeping drug in his saliva."

     Wufei- "Oh yeah. My mom uses those ALL the time on me. He must have been up all night ranting about that murderer from your story last night."

     Heero- "Bob?"

     Wufei- "Yeah."

     Heero- "That wasn't a story. It's REAL."

     Wufei- "Oh, okay." He believed him because Heero is weird that way. Wufei, Trowa and Heero walk into the kitchen to see Duo sitting on the couch watching cartoons.

     Duo- "You're FINALLY awake! I've been waiting ALL morning for you to get up!"

     Wufei- "When did you get up?"

     Duo- "I don't know. A long time ago. I've been watching T.V. for a long time."

     Wufei- Ignoring Duo.

     "Mom, what's for breakfast?"

     Wufei Mom- Waking up from her position on the table with a cup of coffee in her hands. "OH! Umm, here!" Pulls out the pancakes that she had made earlier when Duo got up. She had expected them all to wake up sooner or later but when they didn't, she put them in the refrigerator. Heero, Trowa and Wufei sat down and began eating their pancakes when Duo came over.

     Duo- "Oh! More pancakes!" Takes a bite. YUCK!! They're COLD!!" Goes back to watch more T.V.

     Voice from the other room- "STOP!! NOOO!! AHHHH!!" Loud snoring noises.

     Wufei- "Oh, that reminds me. Mom, did you drug Quatre?"

     Wufei Mom- "Yes. I am so ashamed. Bows her head in shame."

     Wufei- "You dishonor me mom."

     Wufei Mom- "Sorry." The doorbell rings. It is Trowa's parents.

     Trowa Mom- "We have come to pick up Trowa."

     Wufei Mom- "Yes, he is in the other room eating pancakes."

     Trowa Dad- "TROWA!!"

     Wufei Mom- "Umm…"Trowa walks in carrying all of his things.

     Trowa- "Hi mom…dad."

     Trowa Dad- "Hello son." They leave while communicating by chalkboard.

     Duo- "Umm, my mom just called. She said that she needed me at home to save the world again. She's VERY shy so she's not coming to the door. BYE!! " Everyone watches as he leaves, not believing what he said. The telephone hadn't rung. All of a sudden, something DOES ring. Heero pulls out a mini flip-phone and puts it to his ear.

     Heero- "Heero here."

     Voice on phone- "Heero. This is vital. Report back at the domain of the present living quarters immediately." And with that, Heero jumps out the window and sprints away. All of a sudden, a loud noise is heard from outside. Everyone looks out the window to see a helicopter landing in Wufei's backyard. Quatre Mom steps out.

     Quatre Mom- "Hi! I have come to pick up Quatre." Wufei Mom points to the room where Quatre is sleeping. Quatre Mom claps her hands and about forty minions swarm in and load all of Quatre's stuff and Quatre onto the helicopter and it flies away. Wufei turns to his mom and ALMOST…just barely…ALMOST smiles.

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