Trowa’s Party




The setting is Trowa’s tiny house in the country. There are no other houses within miles and the only sounds heard are the birds and creatures outside. Inside, sitting by the door absorbed in a HUGE book is Trowa (five years old). The only movements he ever makes is occasionally pushing his hair out of his eyes which only stays out for a minute before falling back. A faint knock is heard on the door. Trowa puts his book down and stands up on top of it and reaches for the doorknob. He opens the door and Quatre (four years old) walks in.

    Quatre- "Happy Birthday Trowa!!" He hands him a large bag. "I couldn’t find a doorbell or a knocker so I just knocked. I hope that’s all right." Trowa nods. "I also didn’t know what you wanted for your birthday so I hope you like it. Do you want me to tell you what it is?" Trowa shakes his head. "Oh, okay." A long pause. "So…when is everyone else going to get here?" Trowa shrugs. "You know, if you just…TALKED to me, I promise I wouldn’t tell anyone else. No one’s even here!! There’s nothing to be anti-social about with just ME!!"

    Trowa- "My parents are here."

    Quatre- "My…something…are…here." Trowa pulls his chalkboard close and erases something and then presents to the illiterate Quatre.

    Trowa- "My mom and dad are here."

    Quatre- "My…mom…and…dad…are…here?" Trowa nods his head. "YAY!! I READ YOUR WHOLE MESSAGE!! I’m getting GOOD at this!!" There is another knock at the door. It is opened once again to reveal Wufei standing there with a large bandage on his left arm and leg. "Heero’s party?"

    Wufei- "Yeah. And I’ve got these too!!" He lifts up his shirt to show them the bandages on his chest and back.

    Quatre- Covering his eyes. "GROSS!! Put your shirt down!!" Wufei turns to Trowa and smiles nervously.

    Wufei- "Umm…sorry…what…I…did… Do you have any injuries?" Trowa nods and pushes his hair aside to reveal a large cut on his temple. He then pushes his shirt collar down and shows him the cut on his shoulder. Wufei looks apologetically at Trowa. "Umm…well…here’s your present." He hands Trowa a perfectly wrapped box. "And…my dad made me make you this." He hands him ANOTHER perfectly wrapped box. "…for beating you up." You can open that now if you want. Trowa smiles and carefully unwraps the gift to reveal a clay teddy bear holding balloons that spell out the word, “Sorry” on them.

    Trowa- Thanks. Wufei smiles nervously. There is another loud knocking at the door. Trowa opens up the door to show Duo with a large bandage around his head holding a small package in each hand. He looks a bit confused.

    Duo- "Umm, why did you invite me here? I don’t know you. Are you the guests? Where is the person I know? Whoever that is. I don’t ever remember knowing someone named, ‘Trowa”."

    Trowa- "I’m Trowa."

    Duo- "Staring carefully at the chalkboard. Um, I don’t really know how to read."

    Trowa- Turning to Wufei. "Tell him that I am Trowa."

    Wufei- Turning to Duo. "He’s Trowa. I’m Wufei and that’s Quatre." He points to Quatre. He waves.

    Duo- "You’re that ‘grief-stricken and insane’ guy, right?"

    Quatre- Looking ashamed. "Only sometimes. I’d like it if you didn’t talk about it, though."

    Duo- "Okay!" Duo hands Trowa a package. "I guess this is for you…I guess." Trowa takes the present.

    Trowa- "Thank you."

    Wufei- "Trowa says thank you." Duo nods. Trowa picks up his book and takes the three into another room where he puts his book and the presents at the fireplace. Quatre and Duo are talking the whole way.

    Quatre- "Do you remember Heero’s party?" Duo shakes his head. "How about Wufei’s? " Duo shakes his head again." Not even MINE?!" Duo shakes his head as Quatre looks as if he SHOULD remember his.

    Duo- "When did you have a party?"

    Quatre- "On my birthday!"

    Duo- "Sorry. I don’t remember your birthday." All of a sudden the bookshelf topples over and behind it is Heero and his dad.

    Heero Dad- "I cannot stay long son. Your mission is to stay at this party, have fun and not to kill anyone…yet."

    Heero- "Mission accepted." Heero Dad jumps out the window.

    Duo- "That was cool! You should do that more often!!"

    Wufei- "He does it all the time."

    Duo- "I don’t remember him doing it at all. In fact, I don’t know who he is!! Who is this? I’ve never seen him before!"

    Heero- "It is I…Heero."

    Duo- "Oh! You’re the one from the letter!! I gave you a…cheat book or something, right…for your…birthday!!"

    Heero- Looking a bit confused. "Yeah…"

    Duo- "Well, that’s great!!" Turns to Trowa. "Umm…what’s your name…where’s the bathroom? " Trowa points to a door and Duo walks over to it and enters. Heero- "What’s up with Duo?"

    Quatre- "I’m not sure but I think when you hit him in the head you gave him…am…amna…forget disease."

    Heero- "Rubbing his hands together diabolically. Excellent." Trowa Mom enters.

    Trowa Mom- "Is everyone here?"

    Trowa-" Yeah. Duo’s in the bathroom."

    Trowa Mom- "We’ll wait for him." They wait a moment for Duo to return. "Okay, what do you children want to do? " Everyone stares blankly at the chalkboard. "Trowa, can’t your guests read?"

    Trowa-" Well, Wufei can read CHINESE but not English and no one else can read at all."

    Wufei- Angrily. "I see my name!!"

    Quatre-" Why can’t MY name be on there?"

    Duo- "Why are they always writing on chalkboards?"

    Heero-" Because they are too anti-social to talk."

    Duo- "Do they ALWAYS do this?"

    Quatre- "I’m afraid so." Duo groans.

    Trowa- Turning to Wufei. "Since you’re the only one who can read, you will have to read everyone what we write."

    Wufei- "I don’t wanna!! Make someone else do it!!"

    Trowa- "We can’t."

    Wufei- "Fine!" Groans loudly. "I don’t see why you can’t just TALK!"

    Trowa Mom- "Okay…we’re going to eat dinner first!!"

    Wufei- "Time to eat." Trowa Mom leads them all into the kitchen.

    Duo- "YAY!!"

    Quatre- Sitting down." What comfortable chairs!"

    Heero-" What kind of food do you eat here?" Trowa Mom comes out.

    Trowa Mom- "What does everyone like?"

    Wufei- "What do you guys like to eat?"

    Quatre- "I don’t mind."

    Heero- "I’ll eat anything."

    Duo- "I forget." Wufei shrugs. Trowa Mom throws her arms up into the air and storms out of the room.

    Quatre- "Umm, don’t you think she was over-reacting?"

    Trowa- "No."

    Quatre- "See? I can read! I know that says, “No.” Can’t you just write to me?"

    Trowa-" You can’t read enough. " Quatre stares at the chalkboard for a minute and then emerges sadly. Trowa smiles satisfyingly.

    Duo- "Tell me again how you knew me because none of this is familiar to me."

    Quatre- "Duo! You have the Forget Disease!! You’ll get your memory back soon!"

    Duo- Scratching his head with a confused look on his face. "I don’t REMEMBER getting the forget disease."

    Quatre- "Laughing playfully. Of COURSE you don’t!"

    Duo- "How DID I get it?" Quatre looks at Heero.

    Heero" Proudly. I hit you on the head with a baseball bat."

    Duo- "Ow. So that’s why I have this Band-Aid on my head!! You’d think I’d remember THAT!! "

    Quatre- "No, you can’t remember ANYTHING! You have the FORGETTING DISEASE, remember?"

    Duo- "REMEMBER WHAT?!" Continues in background. Trowa Mom comes out with five tubes of Play-Doh. She places one in front of each boy. YAY!!

    Heero-" Is this dinner? " Opens it up, grabs a handful and stares at it. "Oh well." Takes a bite out of it.

    Trowa Mom-" NO!! Trowa, tell your friend not to eat the Play-Doh!!"

    Trowa- Turning to Wufei. "Tell Heero not to eat the Play-Doh."

    Wufei- Turning to Heero. "Don’t eat the Play-Doh."

    Heero- Taking the green glob out of his mouth. "So this ISN’T dinner."

    Quatre- "I got PINK!!" Starts forming a little pig.

    Wufei- "Mine’s BLUE! Starts pressing his into a pancake."

    Duo- Rolling his black Play-Doh out. "I’m making the LONGEST worm in the whole wide world…that’s black." Looks at Trowa who has shaped his red Play-Doh into a ball.

    Trowa- "It’s a CLOWN NOSE!!" Attempts to put it on his nose.

    Wufei- "It’s a clown nose."

    Trowa Mom- "Dear, we don’t use Play-Doh that way."

    Trowa- Letting it fall on the table. "Sorry."

    Quatre- Holding out his pig. "LOOK!! It’s a PIG!! The head falls off." AHHHH!! "PIG!! HE’S BEEN BEHEADED!!" Begins squishing it back on.

    Duo- "Look how long my worm is!!"

    Heero- Eyeing his wet Play-Doh. "I want to eat it." Picks it up and runs into the bathroom and slams the door.

    Wufei- "He’s gonna eat the Play-Doh."

    Quatre-" What makes you say that?"

    Wufei- "Why else would he take the Play-Doh into the bathroom? " Looks at his blue tiger on a rock. It is done so well that it looked as though a professional guy did it. "I messed up!!"

    Quatre- "IT LOOKS WONDERFUL!!" A lot better than my pig!! Looks at his “Pig” with a squished head, disfigured body and missing a leg.

    Duo- "Not as good as my WORM!! Aw, darn, it broke again. OH WELL!!" Squishes all his Play-Doh into a ball. Heero emerges from the bathroom looking as though he had just eaten…Play-Doh. He looked as though his stomach hurt.

    Heero- "I don’t feel so good." He throws up a green substance all over the floor.

    Quatre- "AHHHHH!! HE’S COUGHING UP VITAL ORGANS!! AN ALIEN HAS INVADED HIS BODY WITH GREEN SLIME!! HE’S DEAD!! " Quatre runs out of the room crying. Everyone else just kinda stares at Heero as he continues to throw up. Trowa Mom walks over.

    Trowa Mom-" Oh…my…goodness…gracious…me…"

    Trowa- Feeling that he needs everyone to know what his mom just said, turns to Wufei. "Oh…my…goodness…gracious…me…"

    Wufei- In a slightly annoyed tone. "Oh my goodness gracious me. " Wufei looks at Heero in a disgusted way and walks out of the room.

    Trowa Mom- where’s the Blond One."

    Trowa- "He ran out of the room crying."

    Trowa Mom- "Why?"

    Trowa- Looking at Heero. "Why do you think?"

    Duo- "You know what? It’s really annoying the way you guys talk on chalkboards and stuff!! How do I know that you’re not writing bad stuff about me or plotting to kill me and stuff?!" Trowa and Trowa Mom choose to ignore Duo. Bad choice. "Now they are talking through THOUGHT and stuff like that!! People can do that ya know. They’re probably thinking to each other right now!! At this very moment…and stuff!!" He turns to Heero. "Hey…YOU! STOP!! You’re being disgusting!!" Trowa Mom escorted Heero to the bathroom where he stayed for a little while. Quatre emerged from the other room.

    Quatre- "Where’s Heero?! Is he dead?!"

    Duo- Just to be annoying. "Yup."

    Quatre- "AHHHHHHH!!" Duo starts laughing.

    Duo- "I was just kidding!! " Quatre looks offended. Trowa Mom points the children to go into the other room as she cleans up the mess. She lies Heero down on the couch and attempts to find Wufei but fails. Duo and Quatre stare at Trowa. They suddenly both get evil smirks on their faces.

    Quatre-" I know what we can do!!"

    Duo- "ME TOO!!"

    Quatre- "Let’s teach Trowa how to TALK!!" Trowa’s eyes pop out at this as he makes his way to the door but Duo jumps in front of him and slams the door closed. Trowa looks scared.

    Duo- "You’re not going ANYWHERE!!" Quatre and Duo start laughing diabolically. Trowa runs over to the window but Duo and Quatre grab his feet and drag him inside.

    Trowa- "Must…not…talk…" Duo and Quatre looked at the chalkboard and then smiled. Trowa looked scared. "AHHHHHHH!! HELP ME!!" Quatre looked at the chalkboard. Duo decided not to bother.

    Quatre- It says, "‘Ahhhhh!! Something…me!!’" Quatre attempted to sound it out. "Haaa…eeeee…lp?" HELP!! He’s says, ‘AHHHH!! HELP ME!!’ I’m good at this!!"

    Duo- "Sounding a bit annoyed. He’s calling for help on a chalkboard?" The door swings open to reveal Trowa Mom.

    Trowa Mom- "Is there something wrong Trowa…OH MY GOD TROWA!!"

    Trowa- "On the verge of tears. "They were trying to make me…TALK!!"

    Trowa Mom-" GASP!! You’re joking!" Trowa shakes his head sadly. Well, tell your friends to come and help us find your other friend. Trowa turns to his two illiterate friends and began motioning to them to follow him.

    Quatre- Not catching on. "Umm…yeah, come to think of it, I AM hot."

    Duo- "ME TOO!!" Trowa shakes his head and tries again only with different hand motions." Yeah, it does smell in here."

    Quatre- "But not THAT bad." Trowa sighs and pulls out his chalkboard. He writes in all capital letters and presents it to Quatre.


    Duo- "I can’t see it."

    Quatre- "Okay, there’s Duo, Quatre and Trowa and stuff in the middle. " He smiles, feeling smart. Trowa motions to him to continue." Umm, cooommmmee …COME…wit…he…wit-he?"

    Duo- "THAT’S NOT A WORD!! Trowa, I thought you were SMART!! Duo and Quatre come wit-he Trowa? " Trowa sighs and walks away. "Hey!!"

    Quatre- "WAIT UP!!" Trowa Mom leads them to two enormous doors in the corner of the house. "How can these doors fit in your teeny-tiny house?" Trowa Mom opens the door to show a huge library with at least a gazillion in every language.

    Duo- "MY library is bigger!!"

    Quatre- "How does this fit in your house? Your house didn’t look THIS big from the outside!! I didn’t see anything like this!!"

    Trowa Mom- "Trowa, I think that he is lost somewhere in here." Trowa nods. Trowa begins looking around for Wufei. Trowa turns the corner to see Wufei looking through a pile of stacked picture book while commenting on each picture.

    Wufei- "This is a nice picture. And this one’s pretty. WOW!! Look at THIS one!!"

    Trowa- "Wufei, who are you talking to?"

    Wufei- "I wasn’t talking!! I was looking at these pictures!!"

    Trowa- "You WERE talking."

    Wufei- "Really loudly. NO I WASN’T!!" Everyone else hears him but choosing to ignore him. Meanwhile, Trowa Mom is trying to occupy Quatre and Duo.

    Quatre- "Do you have any first readers? I’m still a beginner." Trowa Mom hands Quatre a dictionary.

    Duo- "I’m a really good reader so I want a your biggest, thickest, smallest wordest, in a lot of different languages and hardest to read book!! " Trowa Mom points to a gynumbis book in the corner. Duo smiles. "I’ve already read that!!" Meanwhile, Heero was watching T.V. on the couch.

    Heero- "Damn. Nothing violent on." He flips through the channels a couple times before stopping at Digimon. Heero noticed the captions at the bottom and then finally realized that the T.V. was muted. Heero looked at the remote control. "How do I turn the sound back on? " He finally gave up, turned the T.V. off and went to go look for everyone else. Since Trowa’s house isn’t very big, he easily found them in the library. Quatre was dragging the dictionary over to a little table. Duo was claiming he had read every book that Trowa Mom showed him and he could hear Wufei yelling.


    Trowa- "Yeah you do."

    Wufei- "On the verge of tears. AT LEAST I TALK!!" Runs away crying.

    Quatre- "I think this book is bigger than ME."

    Duo- "Suddenly looking in pain. OW!! MY HEAD HURTS!!" His eyes begin to water. "In my bag is my medicine!! I need it!!" Trowa Mom walks out of the room to see Duo’s sleep over bag on the floor. She opens it up and searches for a medicine bottle. She finds many. One for headaches. She pockets it. One to get him to sleep at night. This might be useful. One to help get his memory back. Grabs that too. One for his energy level. She smiles and pockets this one while thinking about what his parents go through. There is also a bottle of Advil, a water bottle and some bandages. Trowa Mom decides to just bring the whole bag. When she re-entered the library, Duo was sitting on the floor clutching his head and moaning. Trowa Mom takes out each bottle and doesn’t know which ones to give him for this particular problem so she just gives him one from them all. He quickly takes them and obviously expected them to work right away and when they didn’t, just moaned louder.

    Quatre- "I can’t READ with all this noise!!" All of a sudden, Trowa Mom felt a tug on her shirt. She looked down to see Wufei holding a bottle of pills.

    Wufei- "Here, put him out of his misery." Trowa Mom grabbed the bottle and looked at it. They were Wufei’s famous sleeping pills. Trowa Mom added them to Duo’s pile and within five minutes, Duo was snoring on the floor.

    Trowa Mom- "Is he a victim of Heero’s birthday party too?"

    Trowa- "He was hit in the head with a baseball bat." Trowa Mom nods. She felt another tug on her shirt. It was Wufei again.

    Wufei- "I need to take my medicine too. It helps my cuts not hurt so much." After giving Wufei HIS medicine and putting Duo on Heero’s little bed that she had made for him earlier, Trowa Mom decided that it was time to open presents.

    Trowa Mom-" Trowa, tell your guests that it’s time to open presents."

    Trowa- "Wufei, tell everyone that it’s time to open presents.

    Wufei- "It’s time to open presents."

    Quatre- "Attempting to slam the dictionary. YAY!! FINALLY!!" The four boys are led to the kitchen since now they couldn’t go in the living room because Duo was sleeping in there and Trowa’s house doesn’t have very many rooms in it ANYWAYS!! All the presents were stacked neatly in a pile. "I’m sure if Duo was here right now, he would insist on you opening his present first so I think that it’s only fair that you open his first!!" Trowa shrugged and took Duo’s small present. He unwrapped the many layers of paper to reveal Rolex Watch." WOW!! I have a few of those at home!!"

    Trowa Mom-" Why did he get you such an expensive gift?" Trowa shrugs and grabs Wufei’s present. He carefully unwraps the paper and takes out a fancy notebook and some pens. Trowa opened it to see a drawing.

    Wufei- Pointing to the drawing. "I drew that." Trowa nodded and put the present aside. He reached for Quatre’s but Quatre pulled it away.

    Quatre- "NO!! Mine’s special, you have to open it LAST!!" Trowa stared at Quatre for a second before grabbing for Heero’s present, which, of course, was a gun. Trowa Mom looked a little surprised but obviously thought that it was fake or a water gun because she didn’t do anything about it. Quatre finally handed Trowa his present and Trowa pulled out a new chalkboard, chalk and some multi-colored sidewalk chalk. "It’s SIDEWALK chalk. You use it on the sidewalk!!" Trowa gave Quatre the ‘I’m not stupid’ face but Quatre didn’t catch on. Trowa Mom slipped out of the room and emerged a second later with a cake in her arms. Quatre really wanted to sing happy birthday but Heero looked as though he would NEVER do it, Wufei as if he’d rather not and well, Trowa Mom is mute. So no one sang for Trowa. They just kinda stared at the cake for a minute before cutting it and serving it out. Quatre wished Duo was awake for just that reason…the silence was scary. No one talked at all during cake so Quatre tried to start a few conversations. "So…um…uh…Wufei…how was your trip to Bermuda? Was it fun and exhilarating?"

    Wufei- "Looking confused. I didn’t go to Bermuda."

    Quatre-" Oh yeah!! Silly me!! It was HEERO!! Was it fun Heero?"

    Heero- "My family does not travel for FUN."

    Quatre- "Okay…umm, well I guess that it was ME who went to Bermuda!!" He laughs a single fake laugh and then silences himself, feeling embarrassed. Trowa Mom looked at her watch. 9:00.

    Trowa Mom- "BED!!"

    Quatre- Examining the chalkboard. "…bed?" "BED!! Bed? Awww." Trowa Mom looked at all of her son’s guests. Wufei looked annoyed. Quatre looked like the sound of the word ‘bed’ made him tired. Heero still looked green from the Play-Doh and looked as if he would blow at any minute. Trowa shrugged. She led them into Trowa’s room and went through the Trowa to Wufei to everyone else conversation train of getting their sleeping bags set up. Trowa Mom brought Duo’s sleeping bag to the couch where he was and covered him. She checked to see that everyone was in their sleeping bag before closing the door. The minute she did this though, everyone climbed out. They all huddled near the door where their was a sliver of light from under the door.

    Quatre- "Let’s not tell ghost stories tonight because last time I was up all night for a week!!"

    Heero- "We weren’t going to." Quatre sighed with relief. Trowa and Wufei, meanwhile, were drawing on Trowa’s chalkboard.

    Wufei- "I’m making you a boarder. HEY!! I can’t make a boarder if you keep grabbing for the chalk!!"

    Trowa- "I don’t WANT a border."

    Wufei- "Of COURSE you do!!" He continues making a boarder until the light from under the door turns off.

    Quatre- "Now I can’t see a thing!! Can’t we go out there and turn a light on or something? That way we can see!" They were all about to agree with Quatre’s idea but Wufei pulled out a flashlight.

    Wufei- "My mom always wants me to be prepared."

    Quatre- "YAY!!"

    Wufei and Heero- "SHHHHH!!"

    Quatre-" Oops." Sorry. The four boys talk around the flashlight and play a few games for a few hours until the battery runs out." Now we HAVE to turn the light on!! And the flashlight was so much fun too."

    Heero- "Yes, but my mission given to me by Trowa’s female parental unit was to go to sleep and I am already late on that."

    Wufei-" Heero, your mission is to come out with us to turn the light on."

    Heero- "Looking as though he is trying to resist. Must…complete…mission…but which one? " He finally decided to turn the light on. The door creaked open (As doors always do when you are trying to sneak something.) and four tiny figures ran from the doorway to behind the chair.

    Voice #1- "Where’s the light switch? I can’t find the light switch!"

    Voice #2- "If Trowa TALKED he could TELL us!!"

    Voice #3- "Shut-up. We must locate it on our own. " The forth figure nodded. Suddenly the light turned on. Quatre, Trowa and Wufei looked around nervously. Heero rolled across the floor and pulled out his gun. Duo’s head popped out from behind the couch. Heero put his gun away reluctantly.

    Duo- "Hi!! What are you guys looking for?"

    Quatre- "We were looking for the light switch but you found it!! YAY!!" All five boys run back into Trowa’s room.

    Duo- "I don’t have a bed!! Where’s MY bed?!"

    Quatre- "In the OTHER room on the COUCH!!"

    Duo- "But I don’t want to be ALLLLL alone. I’m not even tired!!"
Quatre- "I am now." He yawns. Wufei has already fallen asleep in the corner, crossing his arms.

    Heero- "Now I can complete my other mission." He falls asleep. Trowa shrugs and falls asleep too.

    Duo- "How can you be tired?! It’s only… "Grabs Quatre’s watched arm. "…half past eleventeen o’ thirty and a quarter…and a dime and…3 miles per hour!!"

    Quatre-" Is that late?"

    Duo- NO!! It’s not even my bedtime yet!!

    Quatre- "Okay…"

    Duo- "LET’S PLAY HIDE AND SEEK!! I’ll count and YOU hide!! Ready…GO!! " Quatre sleepily walks off in the other direction. O"ne…three…six…nine… eleventeen…two…READY OR NOT, HERE I…"falls asleep. Meanwhile, Quatre, hiding under the table, fell asleep as well. THE NEXT MORNING!!

    Trowa Mom- "Wake up sleepy heads!!" Trowa gets up and shakes everyone else awake. Trowa Mom counts heads. "One…two…three…where’s the other two?"

    Trowa- "Isn’t Duo on the couch?"

    Trowa Mom- "No."

    Trowa- "Uh-oh." They run out of the room frantically looking for the two missing children. Wufei and Heero shrug at each other and fall back asleep. Trowa Mom starts down the hallway but trips over something. She looks down at Duo who was lying in the middle of the hallway sleeping. She grabs him and puts him on the couch. Now they just have to find Quatre.

    Voice from under table- "NOOOO!! NOT DOOR!! AHHHHH!! NOOOO!!" Trowa looks under the table to see Quatre talking in his sleep. He was just about to wake him because he felt that NO ONE should have to suffer through DOOR when there was a knock at the door. Trowa Mom opened the door and there was Random Minion #214 and #54 to pick up Quatre. Trowa directed them to his position under the table and they leave without saying anything with him under their arm. Trowa and Trowa Mom re-enter Trowa’s room to see Heero missing and the window wide open. They shrug and remember Heero’s weird family. All of a sudden there was a slam at the door. They ran back over to the door and opened it to see Duo walking down the street waving.

    Duo- "My mom called!! She wants me home!! BYE!!" Trowa and Trowa Mom looked at each other.

    Trowa Mom- Closes the door. "We don’t OWN a phone." Trowa nods. There is another knock at the door. Trowa Mom opens it. It’s Wufei Mom

    Wufei Mom- "I here and pick up Wufei. Wufei," who already had all his stuff together, leaves with his mom without saying anything.

    Trowa Mom- "Those exits were nice and quiet…well, except for Duo’s."

    Trowa- "Mom, I don’t think I want to have a party next year…too loud."

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