The Rival Strikes Again:

By: StarFlare and NightWolf

Dito on the disclamer



Ending #1

    "I choose...Quatre..."

    The room flew into an uproar and then instantly died down again...

    The other four pilots protested, despite their promise,



    Sara shrugged innocently and chuckled,

     "It was the whole, 'knight in shining armor' thing... I can't help it! I'm a sucker for that kind of thing..." She looked up at Quatre who was back up on the horse and grinned.

    "You look silly, though..." Everybody watched as the whole suit of armor turned red...Sara laughed and the other four pilots looked depressed. Quatre was quite pleased though...

    He reached down as best he could in the huge armor and pulled Sara up onto the horse behind him. Then, he turned the horse around and they rode out of the dining room and down the hallway toward the painting at the end of the hall.

    The painting? It was the sunset...

The End.

Oh wait, No! That's not the end!!


    Ending #2

    "I choose...Trowa..."

    The room flew into an uproar and then instantly died down again...

    The other four pilots protested, despite their promise,



    Quatre was first to protest,

     "Why Trowa? He's a CLOWN, remember? You're scared of clowns, REMEMBER?" Sara shrugged,

    "well, he did promise to never be a clown again...and there's just something about the strong silent type...I just couldn't resist..."

    Trowa blushed bright red and didn't know what to think. He offered his arm to Sara, and together they strolled out of the room, leaving the other pilots studdering. While they walked down the hall, Trowa tripped on the corner of a table and fell face first onto the floor.

    Sara gasped and stooped down to help him up. He looked up at her and asked, "

    Who am I?"

    Sara sighed a deep breath and then thought about it for a second...

    "Why, you're Trowa...and you were just about to take me out to dinner before you fell. Are you OK?" He stood up and shrugged,

     "I guess... ...I was?" Sara grinned, "oh yes... And then we were going shopping, don't you remember?" Trowa shook his head,

    "no...I'm sorry...I don't..." Sara took his arm again, "well then, let me jog your memory...dear..."

    "First of all, you just LOVE to buy me expensive presents..."

    "I do?"

    "Oh yes...and you hate're terrified of them..."

    "Really? Y'know, I'm glad you're around to help me..."

    "Oh, I'm glad to be here. And oh yes, that reminds me, you were just telling me about going to get a haircut tomorrow..."

    "Really? Thanks for reminding me..."

The End

Oops! That's not the end, either...


    "I choose...Wufei..."

    The room flew into an uproar and then instantly died down again...

    The other four pilots protested, despite their promise,


    Wufei jumped up and down,


    Heero almost blew a gasket,


    Sara shrugged,

    "but he tried so hard...I apprieciate that...despite what Bleu told him..." and glared at Bleu who was munching on the left over pie. Then Sara and Wufei left the room and the protesting pilots, never to be seen again...

    Two years later, in a small mental institution on L4...

    Two doctors peek into a small room at a black haired boy and examine a medical chart.

    "John Doe number A627."

    "This poor fella...he's completely lost it."

    "Yeah, he just chants 'she's insane' all day, everyday..."

    "I wonder if the 'she' that he's chanting about could have been the mauve haired young woman who brought him here two years ago..."

    "Nah...she was way too nice..."

    "You know what I heard from one of the other doctors?

    "No, tell me!"

    "They think he was the subject of some chemical experiments..."

    "REALLY?? You don't say!"

    "Yeah, he was exposed to highly radioactive materials..."

    "Speaking of radioactive materials, they're serving baked potatoes in the cafeteria today and hey, its almost lunch time!"

    "Good, lets go. I'm starving."

The End

Darn! That one's not it either...

How much farther can this go..?

Wait, stupid question...


    "I choose...Heero..."

    The room flew into an uproar and then instantly died down again...

     The other four pilots protested, despite their promise,



    Heero grinned,

    "I knew it! I'm good!!"

    Sara walked up to him and put her arms around his neck,

     "Yeah, that Hilde thing was mean and crafty...I loved it! That and the fact that you weren't as annoying as the other guys were..."

    At that moment, Relena walked in the dining room door... One of the pilots, Duo, had called her to get back at him for the Hilde thing.

    Appauled, she shouted,


    Sara wasn't impressed,

     "Oh you just go and do that blondie...see how far it gets you..."

    Five days later, the war had been declared, fought, and won...

    Sara had the support of the Colonies, Heero, and Earth for that matter.

    Relena had the support of the other four pilots and Zechs, who was mad that his sister got dumped. S

    ara ended up in a large mansion with Heero and several servants, including...

    {RING-RING-RING} "Could I get some hot tea in here...TODAY!!!"

    Heero snickered,

     "Why didn't I think of this sooner?"

    Relena walks in wearing a maid's outfit visibly grinding her teeth,

    "yes, madam..."

    She turned to leave and Sara said, "Oh Relena, you should smile more often...that frown just doesn't suit you..."

    Relena growled,

     "yes, madam..."

    Sara snickered to herself, "perfect..."

The End

{sigh}Nope, sorry...


    "I choose...Duo..."

    The room flew into an uproar and then instantly died down again...

    The other four pilots protested, despite their promise,


    Wufei immediately jumped up and yelled, "what does he have that I don't have?"

    Sara stared at him blankly, "hair..." That shut him up, QUICK! He whined, "I've been using Rogain for a year..." Sara shook her head, "I don't think it's working..."

    Duo was still in pseudo shock...he just kinda stood there for a minute...

    Sara laughed,

     "Duo's sweet, suave, and irresistable...And I LOVE his hair!! He's a charmer if there ever was one..."

    Then she turned to Duo, still in a daze, and asked,

    "well, what do you think about taking me to a movie?"

     Duo studdered in disbelief, "uh sure...let's go..."

    As they left the room, Duo asked

    , "what would you like to see?"

    Before she could answer, they heard Bleu shriek from inside the room...

    "Why are you looking at me like that... Stop it!! Get away from me!! Don't you come one step closer...I know kung-fu, Tai-quan-do, kendo, AND I kick box!! Bruce Lee ain't got nothin' on me!! I WARNED YOU!!! FUUNGAAHHHH!!!



    {dusting her hands} "I warned you!!"

    Sara and Duo watched Bleu fly out of the dining room, followed by the last four pilots. They jumped out of their way and pressed up against the wall and heard the boys yell...

"But Bleu...WE LOVE YOU!!!"

The End

{growl} well, ALMOST...


    "I detinate a smoke bomb!!!" All five of the pilots grunted,


    The room flew into an uproar and then there was an explosion...

    Amongst the chaos in the smokey room, Quatre felt a tug on his armored leg and then crashed down to the floor. Sara mounted the horse where Quatre had been while Bleu collected the last few things in the room, carefully as to not crush the flowers or the pie... While the pilots ran around in circles, Bleu stuffed all the items in a bag and she and Sara galloped on the horse to the hangar and to their waiting ship. Bleu, having known in advance that something like this was going to happen, had took the precausion of packing beforehand. She also rigged up a devise that would put some memory-erasing chemicals into the water. For some reason or another they always needed it where ever they went. As Bleu ran down the hall towards the hangar, she pulled out a small, black controler and pushed some buttons. Then she stuffed it back into her pocket and ran as fast as she could.

    "Whoa, that was close." Bleu looked out the window of their ship at the rapidly shrinking Peacemilion.

    "Too close." Sara remarked, "all so you could get some pie. I hope you're happy."


    "You're hopeless." Sara shook her head.

     "I wonder what made them all fall in love with me all the sudden."

    "Mayme mit mas me mhemimal me mer morking mon memore."

    "What!? Swallow and then talk!" {Gulp}

     "Maybe it was the chemicals we were working on before."

    "You mean the weird pink powder we were playing around with before I started cooking?"

    "Yeah, I know I washed my hands, did you?"

    "Uh, nooo..."

    "So it was the powder that caused all this."

    "Yeah, and you getting greedy played no part?"

    "What do you think we should do with it?"

    "Way to change the subject...and we should dump it ASAP!!" "

    Sounds good to me."

    The hatch opened and a metal container full of pink powder flew into space, never to be seen again.

    Except for the small amount that Bleu had tucked away to play with on a rainy day...

    And the bit that Sara saved to be further studied later on...

    And that tiny amount that had spilled out on the seats...

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