Ramble #3- Gundam Rock Band

by Tsunami Goddess Routhier

    I’ve seen a pic here and there showing the five pilots in a rock band (which is not nearly as entertaining or believeable as, “Boys at a Cake Party”.). Again, I’m much too lazy to find out when exactly the show first aired, but the pic looks a tad dated. I’d like to upgrade at least one part of it…

    Boy bands seem to be the thing lately. We watch (often reluctantly) five young boys sing to screeching girls (and I’m often reminded of New Kids on the Block) and dance around. Given that the typical boy band is made up of five “sex gods” (according to many) and Gundam Wing is made up of five “sex gods” (according to many) it seems the logical next step in the evolution of anime…

    Heero would be the hostile silent type. Duo would be the fun loving party guy. Wufei would be the one always doing a high-kick at the camera. Quatre would be the blonde (And isn’t there always a blonde?). And Trowa would be the silent one who writes all the lyrics.

    I think Trowa would be the one who, next to Wufei, the fans couldn’t remember the name of. He’d be “the second-most passionate one”, “the second-most silent one”, and “the other one with short hair.” (Trowa, the other white meat.) (Yummy.) Sure, he’d write all the lyrics, but he’d only show up occassionally in whatever video they’d make to answer to “The Meaning of Goodbye” (or whatever the title of that song is). His following would be a quiet one. Perhaps one day it would strike up and take over, but only after he came up with a version of “The Thong Song” or something (and I’m not sure I can see that happening…)

    Don’t get me wrong, I love Trowa dearly. He’s one of my favorites. However, in modern America, he’d be the one attracting all of us who prefer not to scream and faint at the sight of the newest singing sensation, and therefore wouldn’t have so many shirts with his face plastered on them…

    However, on a somewhat related note, they’d all be perfect in their rendetion of “Larger Than Life” and Trowa would definitely shine in that one. He’d be the one in solid black making the Heavyarms dance and looking all serious while singing some silly little lyric…

    I think however, that the “Gundam Team” as a band would be a big success given my belief that Trowa would be the one writing the lyrics. Somewhere in that head of his is a great big story just waiting to pop out (I think when he was little he probably had sparkly eyes and bit his bottom lip when he laughed and always wiggled his toes in his shoes no matter how much his mom told him not to…).

    Yes, if they were all singing, there’d be a whole group of us yelling, “We love ya Trowa!” and the rest of the crowd would look at us and go, “Who’s Trowa?”

    “The one with the short hair.”

    “No, that’s Heero.”

    “The other one.”

    “Oh… So that’s what his name is… Truman?”

    …Well, it was just a thought anyway…

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