

By Tsunami Goddess Routhier

     December 24th

     Duo walks into the room to find Heero reading a magazine, Wufei throwing pencils at the ceiling, Trowa juggling objects that are lit on fire, and Quatre smiling. (Allah only knows what about though…)

     “IT’S CHRISTMAS EVE!!!” Duo yelps, jumping into the room with presents.

     “So?” the other four grunt.


     “What do you mean ‘so’?!?!” “So what?” Heero grunts. “I’m agnostic. I don’t really care.”

     “I thought you were an atheist,” Wufei mutters.

     “Have you *seen* Catherine Zeta Jones???”


     “Catherine Zeta Jones! As soon as I saw her, I knew there must be somebody up there smiling down on ol’ Heero.” Wufei smacks his forehead.

     “Yeah... And I can’t remember what I am, but I think it involves cult worship of Elvis,” Trowa grunts. Quatre, raising an eyebrow at Trowa, says,

     “I’m one of those other religions. The one that doesn’t believe in Christmas.” Wufei, raising an eyebrow at Trowa and Quatre now, mutters,

     “I do not believe in your heathenistic ways! Gods be willing, you’ll all see the error of your misguided beliefs!” Heero smacks his forehead. Duo yelps,

     “IT’S CHRISTMAS EVE!!! Come on dudes! Presents!!!” He proceeds to hand out little goodies.

     “I do not celebrate this holiday!” Wufei yelps as Duo hands him a gift. “Shut up and open it!” Quatre coughs under his breath to Trowa,

     “I wonder how many times Duo’s said that to Heero?”

     “WHAT WAS THAT?!?!” Heero yelps.

     “Shut up Heero! Here!” Duo says, thrusting a gift at Heero. Trowa bites his tongue as Duo hands him a gift and then hands Quatre one too. Wufei stares blankly at the wrapping paper.

     “What do I do with this?” Duo smacks his forehead.

     “OPEN IT!!!” Wufei raises an eyebrow.

     “You don’t have to get hostile about it.” He opens the box to find a set of Ginsu knives. “What the hell?”

     “You can chop stuff with those!”

     “I don’t chop stuff! You do baka!”

     “Oh… Yeah,” Duo says, blinking innocently.

     “Here you moron!” Wufei says, throwing the knives at Duo.

     “Hey! That’s my move!” Trowa yelps. Heero opens his package to find a hair brush.

     “What is this?”

     “It’s a hair brush. I thought you could use a subtle hint.”

     “Duo! Come on! I’m going for dreadlocks here! I can’t be brushing my hair! It’ll ruin it!” he yelps as he throws the brush at Duo.

     “Dreadlocks my butt,” Quatre mutters. “Let’s see what I got!” He opens the box to find a black shirt. “What’s up with this?” “You always wear pink. I though

     t black would be a nice change of pace.” Quatre smacks his forehead and hands Duo his present back. Trowa opens his gift.

     “Oh look! A flame-thrower! Thank you!” Duo blinks at Trowa. Trowa is thrilled with his gift and begins lighting things on fire.

     “Trowa!” Quatre hisses.


     “I think you’re supposed to give that back to Duo!”



     “Oh… Yeah…” Trowa mutters, glaring at Quatre. “Fine,” he grunts.

     “Here’s your gift back.” Duo grins happily.

     “Hooray! You guys got me the best presents for Christmas! I love you guys!” Heero smacks his forehead and goes back to reading his magazine, Wufei mutters something about

     “hopeless heathens” and decides to make a margarita, Trowa starts whining about

     “all the stuff I could be lighting on fire right now!!!”, and Quatre goes back to smiling. (Again, only Allah knows why.)

     Wesyloch Swiat ya’ll! (Happy Holidays)

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