Ramble #23 Lady Une

by Tsunami Goddess Routhier

    I’ve been on a drawing kick lately… So while rooting through various pictures I’ve for some strange reason collected on the computer in an attempt to find the right artbook shots to inspire myself with (Shew! That’s a long sentence, eh?), I came across this group picture I had of Gundam Wing… So while observing the many odd things that were probably not supposed to be noticed, I started wondering who I hadn’t made enough fun of yet…

    * * * * * *

    Lady Une stares in the mirror of her room in the barracks. Across the hall, Noin is singing, “I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!” Une scratches her head. Suddenly the song changes to, “Come on over! Come on over baby!” Une leans out the door and notices that Zechs is walking by.

    Lady Une sighs and pulls a little photo of Trowa out of the desk she had taken when he was playing OZ soldier. Then she pulls out her diary and starts taking notes:

    “I keep observing reruns of Gundam Wing and I just can’t figure out what kind of girl Trowa likes…!”

    Suddenly there’s a knock at the door and Une jumps about three feet and then quickly hides the photo and diary.

    “Who is it?”

    “It’s me. Can I come in?” Treize says, from behind the door.

    “Yes, yes. I suppose.”

    Treize comes in and begins flirting shamelessly. (As, I’m sure, most of us believe Treize tends to do…) But all Lady Une can think about is her favorite carnie.

    * * * * * *

    Do you ever wonder what’s going on in Lady Une’s head? I think she was teased mercilessly as a child. Oh yeah! It makes sense! (Heck, I just saw an old guy zip down the road on a go-cart. At this point, anything makes sense.) When she puts on her glasses, somewhere in the back of her head is the playground bully taunting, “Four Eyes! Four Eyes! Lady Une looks like a guy!” and *that’s* why she’s so mean when she’s got those things on!

    And what’s up with the Princess Laya balls? (I wore those to a reenactment camp once and this guy hit me on the head with his cane.) Is she expecting that at any moment she’s going to find herself in that most famous outfit from Star Wars? I think perhaps she’s been attending the wrong script readings!

    No, I think that someday while watching Jerry Springer or Jenny Jones, Lady Une is going to show up as a dominatrix. I think that by being a Colonel, she missed her calling in life…

    * * * * * *

    Lady Une walks up behind Trowa at the circus. He’s feeding the lions and not paying any attention until she cracks a whip. He jumps and turns around.

    “I’ve been watching you… I’ve been learning how to train—“ she runs the base of the whip down his chest, “—animals. But I know that the best way to learn, is practice!”

    Catherine is sitting in the trailer when she hears Trowa yelp. She looks around and shrugs.

    “Crazy Gundam pilot…”

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