Ramble #21-Music

by Tsunami Goddess Routhier

     “Boy it’s hot!” Heero thought, wandering out to the veranda. He grumbled to himself and ripped off his tank top. (Now, Quatre is paler than I am, so I have to wonder if when *he* takes his shirt off if the Bat Signal reflects from the moon?) He slid into the adorandack chair and was about to fall asleep when he suddenly heard a rather off-key voice that was probably singing, but sounded more like a seagull running through a trash compactor…

    “Lit up like the Fourth, I’m a happy drunk!”

    Heero jumped and looked around. Suddenly Duo appeared out of the dark and began giving him a lap dance.

    “Come to Papa, Big Mama, Cause your Daddy’s drunk!”


* * * * * *

    Heero jumped awake from his liquor induced dreams. He grabbed his protesting forehead and glanced at the pitcher that had (the operative word being -had- here) contained Long Island Ice Tea.

    He groaned again, realizing that Duo giving him a lap dance had only been a dream (er somethin’)… He was about to roll over when he suddenly realized he wasn’t the only one in the bed.

    “Dear God…” he began to mutter. “Please let that be Relena…”

    * * * * * *

    Music is an odd little thing, eh? I’m sitting here watching Madonna’s new video and wondering what happened to her between now and the “American Pie” video that would make her force something like this on the human population… (Don’t get me wrong, I love the gal. Just not so sure about what the heck is going on on my TV right now.)

    said they were going to play Cherry Poppin’ Daddies on the radio and I was all giddy.

    Basically what I’m trying to say here is that music is an odd little thing…

    The subject got me contemplating what effect it would have on Heero…


* * * * * *

    In a desperate need for aspirin, Heero wandered out of his bedroom and through the house. Suddenly from behind he heard, “

    Hey Heero! Shake your Lovemaker!” Jumping, Heero turned around to see Duo and Trowa standing by the CD player. He turned pale and ran over to the player and began hitting random buttons in an attempt to stop the noise… Alas, all he got out of his work was “Dr. Bones” being played at full blast…

    At the mention of “bony fingers”, Heero realized his dinner was about to resurface so he decided to run off to the bathroom.

    On the way by he bumped into Quatre, who walked over to the player and hit a few buttons until Paula Cole’s “Feelin’ Love” came on, muttering,

    “Does Heero seem a little jumpy to you this morning?”


* * * * * *

    Ah, it was just a thought anyway!

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