Ramble #11- Relena

by Tsunami Goddess Ruthier

    Relena stares at a piece of paper. She mutters and erases what has been written and starts over…

    How in the world do you spell the name of her kingdom? Is it “Sanc”, “Sinc”, “Sink”, “Sank”, “Cinq”…? I think it’s “Mostly Wrong”. Maybe perhaps, Relena is just a big *NSYNC fan and it’s really spelled “The Sync Kingdom”… (Tee-hee, then the north could actually be “NSync” and I betcha that’s where the capitol is!)

    So, here we’ve got this girl who suddenly finds herself launched into a soap opera plot. She’s the only child of a guy with a beard and a woman with bad hair and she’s the center of attention. Then the bearded man dies and the woman with bad hair mysteriously disappears from the plot… O

    ne moment she’s wearing a bad blue dress and being completely ditzy (which only supports my theory that she and Usagi go to the same school… but that’s another ramble for another day) and the next minute she’s making Heero all screwy. (Alright, so I’m wrong there. Heero was kind of screwy for the first couple of episodes until Duo annoyed him into being a stoic…)


    So now suddenly she’s ditzy, she’s not the kid of the bearded guy, her bad-hair-day prone mother has disappeared, and she’s sort of floating around with only her butler by her side. (And have you ever noticed that he seems to know everything that’s going on but he plays dumb??? I think him and Rashid and Howard have a racket going on…)

    Then suddenly she’s got this whole kingdom thing going on with a cram-school-like atmosphere and she has followers and a brother she never knew she had…

    [If one wants to depart from the norm for a moment, this can totally support the idea that Zechs is gay. Yeah! Really! Just think: Here’s his annoying little sister and this annoying girl that keeps bugging him so he pawns Noin off on Relena. All he has to do is get rid of Une so he can have Treize all to himself… Dear god! (or whomever you chose to “dear” to…) There’s a whole conspiracy here! Fanfic writers unite! Figure this mess out!!!]


    (Or perhaps I should say, “However.”?)

    So here’s this girl who whines constantly and predictably. She’s got an attitude but she’s a pacifist.

    Relena’s a fascinating character.

    If Heero’s gay, she drove him to it!

    I’m not saying I don’t like Relena… She just bugs me. I think if her and Duo had a kid, it’d be me:

    A little anime kid born when Heero was off fighting the war and Duo just “happened” to be in the area. A little kid with wild hair and a mouth to make a deep-space OZ solider blush. A pacifist with a chibi-Deathscythe…

    “I’ll wield death to you #$!&@*#s! Then I’ll go get dressed up and tell everyone how wrong battles are! Buwhahahaha!!!!!!”

    Evilly grinning, Routhier laughs madly from behind the keyboard… “Buwhahahaha!!! I’d make the perfect character for any inspired animators to throw into the next Gundam series!!!” P

    erhaps tomorrow I’ll share my theory about Relena, Usagi, Heero, and Mamoru for you all to ponder!

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