Quatre's Journal- entry 1
by Queebo
Hi, My name is Quatre. I can not remember what the year is. The fighting has been going on for a very long time now. There has been lots of blood shed, and all the other Gundam pilots are either dead or injured. After defeating Zechs, Heero got a little cocky. Thought that nothing could stand in his way. He was wrong. Somehow treiz survived the explosion and destruction of his Talgeese II and hid for a while. When he resurfaced he had constructed a new mobile suit. It had a new system in it.... The X-107 system. Or at least, that is what it was codenamed. He was mad at Heero for destroying his friend Zechs and wanted revenge. They started to battle, and then heero discarded his buster rifel and other armaments. He just wanted to win with the beam sabre. Poor Heero! He underestimated Treiz's suit! I wish I could have been there to help. Then there is Duo, he is partially paralized. A new kind of mobile doll had been constructed. Oz got the blueprints for the gundams. They were more than a match for Duo. Then there is Trowa. I particularly liked him. I really don't know his wherabouts as of now, but I do know he is or was alive last time I heard of him. Then there is wufei, he is out hiding, fighting where he can, and just trying to find his meaning. I keep in touch with him. As for all the Gundam pilots, we are now wanted. They have search teams for us. They have big rewards. I was actually thinking of turning myself in for the money once. Now, the time of destruction is near. Oz has fallen. There is now a greater power, one that makes Oz look like a little child. I have only one option now. I have to fight. Not only fight for the people of earth and the colonies, but for what I believe in. Whether I win or lose the battles, I will have won inside. I will use the death of my comrads as fuel to fight. I will NOT give up!
******later entries will follow*******

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