I have gotten many letters asking me who Door is so I will finally reveal him to you…

The Legend of Door


    The setting is the library. A strange, uncute figure is wandering around. He can’t read but he’s not there for books…in fact, no one knows why he’s there. He spots a cute five-year-old boy is sitting in a corner with a huge book in his lap.He is not in the children’s section.The figure walks over to the boy.

    Strange Figure- A chipmunky voice."Hello, you like to read?" The boy nods.

    "I have a library ten times the size of this one. Come to my house and have a good time!By the way, my name is Door." The boy nods and picks up a chalkboard that sits by him.

    Reading Boy- "I go by the name of Trowa."

    Door- "Okay, Trowa, come with me to my domain.Trowa" shuts the book and follows Door out of the library.

    Librarian-" Nothing today, Trowa?"Trowa shakes his head."Okay, come again."

    The setting is Chucky Cheese’s where a cute three-year-old boy is trying his best to reach the controls to a video game.He gives up and starts kicking the game with all his might.Door walks over to him.

    Door- "Hello, you like video games?"

    Kicking Boy- "Well, DUH!Can’t you see I’m busy?!Go away!


    Door- At MY house, there are games that you can reach.Would you like to come to my house?

    Kicking Boy- Liking the sound of being able to reach the games. "SURE! LET’S GO!LEAD THE WAY!"

    Door- "First, your name.Mine’s Door."

    Kicking Boy- "What kind of a stupid name is DOOR?!Anyway, mine’s Duo."

    Door- "Okay, Duo, come with me to my domain."

    Duo- "Whatever"

    Door walks out of Chucky Cheese’s with Duo following behind him.

    The setting is a toy shop in the Disney Section. There is a cute four-year-boy is searching for something.He spots a Mulan action figure, Chi-Fu, picks up the box and hugs it.

    Hugging Boy- "Finally!The last one! My collection is now complete!"

    All of a sudden, Door walks over and plucks the Chi-Fu action figure out of the boy’s hands.

    "HEY!PERSONAL SPACE!"The boy backs away from Door and starts crying quietly to himself.

    Door- "I have this one!In fact, I have all the ones that haven’t been released yet!Would you like to see my collection?"

    Hugging Boy- "You have a collection!?Of course I do! Do you have the Head Ancestor?The Cricket?The Bow and Arrow Hun? The Hawk?!"

    Door-" All of them!My name is Door, what’s yours?"

    Hugging Boy- "My name’s Wufei."

    Door- "All right, Wufei.Come to me to my domain."

    The setting is a shooting gallery.People are lined up with guns in their hands shooting at targets.A cute four-year-old is shooting at a target and hitting the center every time.He goes to reload and when he looks back up, Door is standing in front of him.He holds the gun up to Door.

    Door- "You like guns?"

    Shooting Boy- Lowering his gun because this sounds appealing. "Yes, why?"


    Door- "Because at MY house, I have every gun in the world!I also have better more challenging targets then these."

    Shooting Boy- "You sound like a chipmunk."

    Door- "And you sound like a four-year-old who is interested!My name is Door.What’s yours?"

    Shooting Boy- "Why should I tell you?"

    Door- "Because I’m your friend."

    Shooting Boy- "My name is Heero."

    Door- "MY HERO!"

    Heero- "Don’t make fun of my name, Door."

    Door-" Okay, Heero, come with me to my domain."

    Heero- "If I’m not satisfied, can I kill you?"

    Door- "Oh, you WILL be satisfied!Door leads Heero out over the hill."

    The setting is Camp Happy-Go-Lucky for Rich Kids.A group of kids are sitting in a circle singing happy songs.Door went here because he wanted to compete with someone to see who’s richer.He looked at a table with nametags at seats and how much money each kid has underneath their names. Door looked for the one with the most zeros.He hid under the table until all the kid sat on the table.

    Head Lady- "Okay, time to eat dinner!Ready everyone?"

    Happiest and Richest Child Of Them All- "YAY!!I’M SO TIRED!!"He is four years old and cute.

    Head Lady- "That’s good because we’re all going to go to bed early tonight!"

    All kids- "YAY!!THANK YOU TEACHER!!"Door pulls the happiest and richest kid of them all under the table.

    Happiest and Richest Child Of Them All- "Huh?Who are you? My mom said never to talk to strangers."

    Door- "I’m not a stranger.I’m a counselor here. I’m also rich.But, since you are the happiest and the richest, I want to take you to a special part of the camp.Come with me!"

    Happiest and Richest Child Of Them All-" Really?Special? Cool! Okay!"

    Door- "My name is Door."

    Happiest and Richest Child Of Them All- "My name is Quatre it’s nice to meet you!" Door and Quatre shake hands.

    Door- "Okay, Quatre, come to my domain.Door takes Quatre away from the group.Door thought to himself: Yes, five is a good number.

    The setting is the House of Door.There are five doors with the names Trowa, Duo, Wufei, Heero and Quatre above them. The Trowa door opens and Trowa walks in Trowa- Where’s the books?"The

    Duo door opens and Duo walks through.

    Duo- "Where’s my games?"

    The Wufei door opens and Wufei walks in.

    Wufei- "Where’s the action figures?"

    The Heero door opens and Heero walks in.

    Heero- "Where’s the targets and guns?"

    The Quatre door opens and Quatre walks in happily.

    Quatre- Where’s the special camp?All five doors slam behind them and disappear.Wow, cool!"

    Heero- "Pulling out a gun.WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE, DOOR?!"

    Wufei- "Putting his hands up.DON’T SHOOT ME!!"

    Trowa- " Where’s Door?"

    Quatre- "Hey, you, we shouldn’t be fighting at all!He points to Heero.


    Duo- "Where are my games?!"

    Quatre- "Well, we all don’t want to be strangers!My name is Quatre!What are your names?"

    Duo- :"Mine’s Duo!"

    Quatre- "Hi Duo!"

    Duo- "Hi…what was your name again?"

    Quatre- Not sounding annoyed."Quatre!"

    Duo- "Hi Quatre!" Quatre puts his hand out but Duo just stares at it.Quatre shrugs and turns to everyone else.

    Quatre- "What about everyone else?"

    Trowa- "My name is Trowa."

    Quatre- Staring at the chalkboard. That’s a very pretty picture. What’s it of?

    Wufei- "He’s writing something.Right?" Trowa nods. "I knew that cause I’m smart!"

    Quatre- "Well, hi, my name is Quatre.What’s yours?"He puts out his hand.

    Wufei- Hitting Quatre’s hand away.


    Quatre walks away from Wufei, feeling unwanted and unloved which had never happened to him before.

    Duo- Putting an ‘L’ on his forehead.


    Trowa- Patting Quatre on the shoulder. "

    My name is Trowa."

    Quatre- "Um, I’ll just call you ‘T’ because I can see a T."Trowa realizes that Quatre can read most capital letters.


    Quatre- "T…R…O…  Troa?"

    Wufei- Pointing to the chalkboard.

    "That’s a W.I know a W when I see one!"

    Quatre- "Trowa?" Trowa nods.

    "You’re name is Trowa?" Trowa nods again. "Okay! Nice to meet you, Trowa!" He puts his hand and Trowa shakes it.Quatre then walks over to Heero who is reloading his gun.Hello, what’s your name?

    Heero- Holding his gun up to Quatre.
    "What are you, the FBI?"


    Heero- Sighing. "Obviously not." He puts his gun away. "My name is Heero as if that’s any of your business."

    Quatre- "My name is Quatre, nice to meet you!He puts out his hand."

    Heero- "You expect me to fall for that one?I’m not touching your poison covered hand and get the bubonic plague!HA!" He walks away, feeling proud of himself and smart.

    Quatre- "Um, okay." He turns to Wufei. "Now all we need to know is YOUR name because you didn’t tell us."

    Wufei- "Crossing his arms.And I don’t PLAN on telling you for that matter."

    Quatre- "Oh, come on.That’s not very nice."

    Duo- Who wants to play ‘Crocadily Oh My’ with me?!"

    Quatre- "Oh, I do!" He turns and looks at everyone else."How about it?"Trowa shrugs and walks over.Wufei wants to but needs his personal space.Heero looks them like they are something disgusting at the bottom of his shoe. He obviously wants to yell, “WHERE’S YOUR PRIDE!?” but he holds back.The three start playing and Trowa gets out.


    Quatre- "That’s not very nice, Duo."Trowa goes over to the corner and cries silently.Well, I don’t want to play with someone who is so mean!Quatre goes over to the corner and comforts Trowa.

    Chipmunk over the intercom- "Welcome Trowa, Duo, Wufei, Heero and Quatre!"The house you are in is named.It is named The House of Door. I hope you all enjoy your stay. I have collected you from the library, Chucky Cheese’s, a toy store, a shooting gallery and The Happy-Go-Lucky Camp for Rich Kids.But of course…I’m richer.ANYHOO! I have lots of fun things planned for you all today.But…I WON’T TELL YOU WHAT THEY ARE!!I will tell you in a minute.While we’re here, I think we should get acquainted."All lights shut off and a spotlight is shone on Trowa and Quatre who are in the corner.A hand comes out of nowhere and grabs Quatre and throws him to the middle, him crying the whole way. "This is Trowa.I collected him from the library.The name of his house is Silence."The spotlight shines on Duo.Duo covers his eyes."This is Duo.I collected him at Chucky Cheese’s.The name of his house…um…Duo, do you have a house?"


    Chipmunk over the intercom- Not really caring."Whatever.The name of his house is Duo."The light shine on Wufei.Wufei steps out of the light but it follows him."This is Wufei…

    Quatre-" YAY!! HIS NAME IS WUFEI!!"

    Chipmunk over the intercom- Not really caring. "Whatever. This is Wufei.I collected him at the toy store.The name of his house is something in Chinese and I can’t pronounce it."

    Wufei- "Why are you telling everyone the names of our houses?!"

    Chipmunk over the intercom- "Because you are in the House of Door. The House of Door has a name and I thought it would be fun if I told everyone the names of their houses to the public. ANYHOO!!" Light shine on Heero.He points his gun up and the ceiling and blows the light to smithereens.


    Chipmunk over the intercom- Another light shining on him. Heero shrugs and accepts it. "This is Heero. I collected him at the shooting gallery.The name of his house is Pure Blood."

    Duo- "EWWW!!THAT’S GROSS!!"

    Chipmunk over the intercom- Lights shinning on Quatre. Quatre smiles and waves."And this is Quatre. I collected him at the Happy-Go-Lucky Camp for Rich Kids.The name of his house is Quatre."

    Duo-" The name of MY house is MY name too!"

    Quatre- "Oh, COOL!"

    Chipmunk over the intercom- Walking out. And, finally, me, Door.I collected myself at the House of Door. The name of my house is The House of Door."

    Duo- "As if you haven’t told us that a bazillion times."

    Heero- Holding his gun up.

    "What do you plan on doing with us, fiend?"

    Door-" Boy, do YOU have a short memory.My name is DOOR not FIEND!"Heero slaps his forehead and lowers his gun.

    "I plan on playing games with you!First, though, we must eat dinner. Follow me into the kitchen where Cooky will make us one of her MARVELOUS dinners!!"Door leads the five boys into a kitchen with a huge table.

    Quatre- "Wow, this table is ALMOST HALF the size of MY table!!"

    Door- Looking worried.

    "Well, this isn’t my REAL table!No, no, no! This is my FAKE table! That’s right, this is just my GUEST table for when I have guests!My REAL table is in my OTHER kitchen and it’s ten times the size as this one! "We all know that this isn’t true because he’s just trying to top Quatre.

    Quatre-" Oh, okay."

    Door- "Sit at the place with your names on them."

    Wufei-" A ‘W’!A ‘W’! I SEE A ‘W’!"He sits down.Trowa sits in his seat.

    Quatre-" Well, I know THIS is a ‘Q’ and I don’t think any of you guys have ‘Q’s in your name so I’ll sit here!He laughs happily and sits down in his seat.

    Duo- Seeing three round shapes.

    "This is my seat cause I can read. Heero takes the last seat, refusing to admit that he can’t read.

    Door- "SPLENDID! Here is your food."   He hands them all caviar.

    Quatre- "Oh, caviar!Goody!"

    Duo- "EW! What’s this stuff?!"

    Heero- "Mission accepted."

    Wufei- "I’m not hungry."

    Trowa- "Caviar? Is THAT what it is?" Quatre- "Okay, there’s a ‘C’.And a ‘T’…wait…TWO ‘T’s! Wait a second…THREE! FOUR! FOUR ‘T’S!Okay, an ‘A’…"

    Door- "SILENCE!! Eat your food except for Trowa, Quatre and Heero!"

    Heero and Quatre- "Why?"

    Trowa- "Why?" Door- Because you three will eat it so I’ll give you road kill!

    Quatre- "Starting to cry.That’s not fair!"

    Heero- "Mission…He stares at the ‘food’.Denied."

    Door- "OH WELL!I’m not hungry anyway."He puts on a gas mask as smoke fills the room.

    Duo- What’s THAT for?

    Heero- "DON’T BREATH IT IN!!"Everyone except Heero breathes it in and collapse out of their seats and onto the ground.  Heero finally breathes it in when he can’t hold his breath anymore and collapses as well.

    Duo- "YOU CAN’T KEEP ME HERE!I’M NO ANIMAL!!"Each boy is in a cell with a partner in some dungeon.Duo is with Wufei and Quatre is with Heero and Trowa is alone.

    Duo is banging on the door and yelling loudly.

    Wufei- "BE QUIET! You’re hurting my ears!"

    Duo- "We’ll be stuck in here forever!!He scans his surrounding and sees a bunk bed. I GET THE TOP BUNK!!" He runs over and climbs up the ladder.

    Wufei- Sitting on the floor."I’ll be fine right here.I need my personal space anyway."

    Duo- "What was your name again?Wuffie?"

    Wufei- Annoyed. "Wufei!"

    Duo- "Okay, I hope you don’t mind if I call you Wuffie cause I’m going to!!"

    Wufei- "Actually, I DO mind."

    Duo- "TOUGH! I don’t care about your personal needs OR your personal space!!"Wufei starts crying quietly to himself.

    Quatre- Hugging his knees and sitting on the bottom bunk because he’s afraid of heights."I don’t like being in enclosed areas."

    Heero- Holding his gun up and rolling around whenever he hears a sound. "I don’t like this one bit."He turns around and shoots his gun.

    Quatre- "Blocking his ears.We shouldn’t be fighting at all!"

    Heero- "I thought I heard something."

    Quatre- I didn’t.

    Heero- "That’s because you’re blocking your ears."

    Quatre- "Oh, I mean BEFORE that! "He laughs, thinking Heero had made a joke but Heero just stared at him. "So, uh, do you have any ideas of getting out of here?"Heero put his gun away.

    Heero- "Well, my theory is that Door isn’t very smart and soon will come down to play with us.After all, he DID put us in partners so we COULD concoct plans like this.Anyway, when Door comes to ‘play’ he’ll have to open the door and that’s when I shoot him.Then we can make our get away. Though, we’d probably have to leave Duo, Wufei and Trowa behind because we don’t want to waste time getting them out.If we do then Door’s robots or something could come and capture us or the police could come.Got that?"

    Quatre- Confused."Um…I-I-uh…well…WE SHOULDN’T BE FIGHTING AT ALL!"Heero sighs.Suddenly, Door opens the door (that sounds a little weird, don’t you think?) and steps in. Heero takes out his gun and shoots Door.

    Door-" OW!" He looks down at the hole in his chest.He brushes it off as new skin over laps the hole and it disappears.

    "What the heck?!"

    Heero stares at Door in horror and Quatre looks terrified.Heero shakes it off and shoots it Door again.He shoots him repeatedly until he is out of bullets.Every time Door just gets better again.

    "Naughty, naughty." Come with me, we are going to play a game!!

    Quatre- Eyes lighting up.

    "What KIND of game?!"

    Door-" Not YOU!Only Heero!"

    Quatre- "It’s not nice not to include people.Door leads Heero out the door and shuts it behind him." Trowa and Wufei are already standing out there.

    Door-" Now, Trowa, you’re going to have to play my game twice because you don’t have a partner."Trowa shrugs."Okay, we’re going to play hide-and-seek!!"

    Wufei- "That’s it? That’s the special game that has been a secret all this time?"

    Door- "Oh, this isn’t just any old game of hide-and-seek!Oh, NO!This is a SPECIAL game! "You see, I hide and the rest of you seek for me!!"Wufei, Trowa and Heero look at each other.

    Wufei- "What do you have in mind for Quatre and Duo?"

    Door-" THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!"The force of his yell knocks the three boys over. "Now, count as high as you can count!!"Door runs off.

    Heero- "I have only one way of counting."He blocks his ears and bends down. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Ready or not, here we come."

    Door- NO! You have to count higher than THAT!!

    Trowa- "One, two, three, four, five…"

    Wufei- "Trowa, you annoy me."

    Trowa- Lots of people tell me that.Wufei throws his hands up into the air and walks away.

    Heero- "Let’s just pretend we’re counting."Everyone agrees.They all wait for about two minutes.

    Wufei- "Ready or not, here we come!!"As soon as they start walking they hear giggling from the laundry chute.

    Heero- "Door’s got chipmunks in his chute.He takes out his gun.I’ll fix that."He opens the door and shoots.He then remembers that his gun is empty.All three boys see Door scrunched up into a little ball and giggling uncontrollably to himself. He looks up at them.

    Door-" DARN! You found me.   That means you LIVE! DARN!!"

    Wufei- Looking scared."What’s that supposed to mean?"

    Door-" Never mind. Be gone from my domain!" He points to the door and the three start walking but Door grabs Trowa’s arm. "No, you have to stay to play my other game, remember?!"Wufei laughs at Trowa’s expense.Heero commends Trowa before leaving.

    Heero- "He will be remembered."

    Wufei- "HA-HA!Stuuupid Trowa!! They leave only to fall in a trap door and plunge to the floor below."

    Door- "Come!We must get Quatre and Duo so we can play the next game!"Door leads Trowa over to Duo’s cell and opens it to see Duo lying on the top bunk, asleep and snoring."WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!"

    Duo- Sitting up too fast and bumping his head on the ceiling.

    "I wasn’t asleep.I was just pretending.Fooled ya, didn’t I?! Door is confused, his brain being so small and all, so he takes them over to Quatre’s cell.Quatre is drawing pictures on the wall with a rock.

    Quatre- "HI! You wanna see my pictures?"

    Door- No, we must play a game!!"Door leads the three into a room."Now, we have to get into teams of two."

    Duo- Well, we can have a STUPID team so that would mean that it would be Door and Trowa…so I guess the other team would be me and Quatre!!We can be the…the…NOT stupid team!"

    Quatre- "Gee, thanks Duo!"

    Door- "Fine, but we’ll be the blue team and you can be the green team. I’m with you, Trowa!!"Trowa groans and Door smiles. "Okay, we’re playing relay races!!"

    Quatre-" As long as everyone wins in the end!!"

    Door- "Okay, the first relay is to see who can get to Heero and Wufei first!!" Little cages are lowered from the ceiling to reveal Heero and Wufei occupying each one.


    Door-" We’re NOT fighting!Duo and Quatre reach Wufei and me and Trowa will reach Heero!!Okay, everyone behind this line!!"He takes out a paint box and draws a line. Then he draws another line farther up. "You two behind that one and me and Trowa will be behind this one!!"

    Duo- "HEY THAT’S NOT FAIR!!"


    Door- "Well, it’s The House of Door so whatever I say goes!"Trowa shrugs.


    Heero- "I don’t understand how Door’s microscopic mind works."

    Door- Confused."On your maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark…get seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetgo!" Door runs around a cone and slaps Trowa’s hand. While Door was running, Duo ran, slapped Quatre’s hand and he reached Wufei. "Hey!You weren’t supposed to win!He crosses his arms.Okay, FINE!The next relay is to see who can get their person out of the cage first!!Trowa, you do it!I was never good at it. Who will be representing your team, Duo and Quatre?"

    Duo- "I WILL! I’m good at this kind of stuff!"

    Quatre- "Okay, I don’t mind."

    Door- "Onyourmarkgetsetgo!!"Duo and Trowa both pick at the locks.Before Trowa can pick at it for a little while, Wufei has already ran out the door and outside."You guys are cheating!"

    Quatre- "No, we won fair and square!"

    Door- "Robots, get Wufei.Stupid robots go out and bring Wufei back inside and put him back in the cage."

    "Wufei- I was THIS close!!LET ME GO!!"The robots go away.

    Heero- "Nice try."Wufei starts crying.

    Quatre- "Don’t worry!" We’ll get out of here sooner or later!"

    Door- "Okay, the last relay will be with me and Quatre and we’ll have to…um… hm…we will…uh…"

    Quatre- "How about we have a thumb war?!"

    Door" OKAY! A THUMB WAR IT IS!!"The lock their hands.

    Quatre- "One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war!Kiss, bow, do it now!!"They start thumb wrestling but Door wins because his thumb is about three times the size of Quatre’s.


    Door- "Wanting to win.WE STILL HAVE ANOTHER RELAY!!"


    Door- "The last relay is…who can recite the national anthem the fastest!!"

    Everyone-" THAT’S NOT A RELAY!!"

    Door- "FINE!!

    Everyone including Door-" SHUT-UP DOOR YOU FAG!!"

    Heero- "How high is Door’s pride level?"

    Wufei- "Not very high."

    Duo- "I hate Door."

    Heero- "That was very random." Quatre- Eyes darting around.

    "I wanna go home.He looks at the other boys."Do any of you know how to dial a phone?"He takes a cell phone and holds it up.Trowa raises his hand.Meanwhile, Door is yelling at his robots for not being lively enough.

    Duo- You carry a cell phone around but you don’t know how to use it?!

    Quatre- Nodding.

    "But there’s always someone there to do it for me!"Trowa hands Quatre his phone. "Hello?" "Mom?No?Addie? Kirsten?Felicity?Josifina? Samantha?Molly? WELL THEN WHO IS IT?!Oh, hi Bobetta.Can I talk to Mom?It’s VITAL!!"Pause."Hi mom. By any chance do you know where The House of Door is?No?Well, I’m sure Random Minion #92 would cause he knows that kind of stuff.Come on over because it’s very important."He puts the phone back in his pocket.No sooner did he do that, a helicopter lands in Door’s front yard.All five boys run out and get in the helicopter and fly away.

    Door- Running out onto the porch.

    "You think you can get away?!You haven’t seen the last of DOOR!!"Door starts laughing diabolically in his chipmunky voice.

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