Disclaimer: All characters copyright their creators and the storyline copyright me. I write for fun and the joy of writing and do not collect money, so please don't sue me.


by Liz Noin

     Lucrezia Noin yawned and opened her eyes, glancing at the clock on the wall sleepily. It was about 10:30 in the morning, a good time to wake up on a Saturday at the Sanc Kingdom. She was sprawled over her boyfriend and close friend since they were little, Milliardo Peacecraft, who was still sleeping quietly. Lucrezia smiled and nested herself back in Milliardo's arms, resting her head and her right arm on his chest. She closed her eyes and sighed happily. A hand slowly stroked her cheek and she opened her eyes, looking up. Milliardo was smiling sleepily, one hand around Lucrezia's back and one on her chin. She smiled back and they kissed, each happy to have the other in their lives, No matter what the past had wrought between them.

     "'Mornin Milli," Lucrezia said softly, yawning. Milli laughed and yawned also. "Maaaawnin Lucrezia," He replied, swinging her into his arms and standing up. She cried out softly but leaned her head on Milli's shoulder and sighed, smiling.

     "Glad to see you two are up, finally!" A voice hollered from the kitchen. A small slightly tanned face appeared in the doorway, dots of batter scattered across her cheeks. Lucrezia giggled and pointed at Relena Peacecraft, Milliardo's younger sister and the owner of the tanned face with the batter on it. Relena stuck her tounge out and brandished her pancake flipper. Milliardo rolled his eyes and carried Lucrezia down the hall to the room they shared.

     "Thank you for that trip, Milli," Lucrezia said, yawning and smiling at the same time. Milliardo grinned and nodded. "Nobody said I couldn't carry my queen up the stairs!" He said, reaching for a towel. Lucrezia shook her head and grabbed one too, racing to the bathroom and sliding in on her socks, closing it and locking it.

     "Me first!" She hollered, smiling. She heard Milliardo laughing.

"Well I'll just take another nap then, but hurry up!" He ordered, falling onto the bed and burying his face into the pillow. Lucrezia took a shower and dried her hair, then walked out in her bathrobe and grabbed some clothes. Looking at Milliardo, she realized he was asleep. She slipped back into the bathroom and changed into her white pants and her lavender jacket, with a red and whtie sash over her white shirt and tucked into her white pants. Milliardo still wasn't up when she stepped out, and she crossed her arms. Sighing and pulling on her boots, she was surprised when someone grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down. She shot her fists backwards, and connected with a shirt and a pair of boxers. Looking up, she realized she had punched Milliardo in the stomach, and he was looking at her with an admirable look. She gasped and reached out her hand, brushing across the spot where she punched him.

     "I'm so sorry Milliardo! I didn't know it was you...you just grabbed me from behind and surprised me, I thought you were sleeping!" She apologized, as he managed a grin.

"It's alright Lucrezia, I'll live. They sure taught you well at Lake Victoria." He gasped, after having the breath knocked out of him.

     Lucrezia laughed softly and pulled her boots on, then lying down on the bed, her arms and head resting on Milliardo's chest. He had regained his breath but his abs would still be sore for the next few days. He smiled at her and she smiled back, sighing. One of his hands was behind his neck, and the other was on Lucrezia's cheek. They would have stayed there all day, if a crisp knock hadn't sounded at the door. Milliardo looked at Lucrezia, then down at his red and blue plaid boxers and white t-shirt. Lucrezia laughed and slid off the bed, nodding toward the bathroom.

     "Better take a shower before it's too late!" She joked. He grinned and grabbed his towel.

"See you downstairs in fifteen." He said, closing the door. Lucrezia sighed and answered the door to the room, poking her head out. Relena stood there, pancake flipper in hand, white poufy beret on her head and a white pancake-splattered apron around her shoulders and waist. Lucrezia took one look at Relena and shook her head.

     "What the hell happened to you? You've never had a beret on your head in your life! Dont' tell me Hilde Schbeiker is rubbing off on you!" Lucrezia joked, stepping outside, her arms in front of her to protect herself. Relena growled and waved her pancake flipper, causing Lucrezia to squeal and run down the stairs.

     "Fear the great Relena Peacecraft, cooker of great food and protector of the justice in the kitchen!" She hollered, racing after Lucrezia. Lucrezia realized her boots were somewhat slick when she rounded the corner and ran for the back patio doors, falling to her knees and sliding into the door. She stood up and slipped outside, closing the french doors in Relena's red face. She laughed and jogged out into the gardens. Taking a right turn around the large Morning Glory covered brick wall, she slipped into the garage and stopped, catching her breath. She looked up in front of her and gasped, running her fingers over the handlebars of the silver and red bike that stood before her.

     It didn't belong to her, and she knew that, but she wanted to race with the wind so badly. The owner of the bike would never let her test it, no matter how safe she promised him she and the bike would be. Picking up the white helmet with red outstretched wings on the back, wrapping toward the sides, she slipped it on over her head. Starting the bike up, she revved the engine and raced around the other vehicles in the garage, opening the smaller garage door before she crashed through it.

     The morning sun felt great on her shoulders, as did the wind that raced by her. Her long lavender coat whipped around her back and hips, the wind treating it like a feather. She rounded a corner and almost touched her foot to the pavement. Grinning, she slowed down and made a u-turn, heading back for the institue.

     Milliardo stepped out of the shower and flipped off the light before stepping into the hallway. He rounded the corner into the foyer and looked into the living room. No Lucrezia. Relena appeared in the kitchen doorway, covered in batter like always, and waved her pancake flipper.

     "Looking for Lucrezia, bro?" She asked. Milliardo turned to her and nodded.

     "I think she headed for the garage, she took a right past the east brick wall."

Milliardo sighed and jogged to the french doors leading out to the gardens, racing around the wall to the garage. Stepping inside, his eyes flashed to the empty spot where the Eseegallat was supposed to be. His eyes flashed to the garage door, which was rising slowly. A figure in a lavender jacket and white and red helmet was edging a silver and red bike into the garage. Milliardo studied the person, who hadn't seen him yet, as their head was down, the white helmet covering their head. The lavender jacket and white pants caught Milliardo's attention, and he shook his head. It's not Lucrezia! Lucrezia would never steal my bike, she's not like that. Or would she? Thoughts raced through his mind, making him angrier by the second; he clenched his fists and prayed it wasn't Lucrezia.

     But the red sash across their chest gave Lucrezia away. Milliardo's jaw dropped slightly, and Lucrezia finally caught her breath. She flipped the kickstand out and stretched her arms out, standing up, her left arm holding her right arm just below her elbow. She locked eyes with Milliardo and sighed, her dark purple eyes filling with guilt and resentment. She slowly pulled off the helmet, the edges catching her bangs and letting them slip back into place in front of her right eye. Milliardo stared at her, his eyes an icy steel blue. Lucrezia returned his gaze, holding the helmet at her side under her arm.

     "Why..." Milliardo managed to choke out, despite the anger that was flooding his mind.

     "I..I was going to have it back within fifteen minutes Milliardo...I didn't think anyone would tell you I came out here.." She replied, looking down and closing her eyes. This fight was going to be one she'd lose, and the person she cared the most for was angry with her, she had seen it in his eyes. She opened her eyes and stared at the ground, her teeth gritted together.

     Milliardo stared at her purple hair, his eyes narrowing. How dare she steal my bike and then crawl back in looking at the ground? He thought furiously, walking over to her. Lucrezia glanced at the bike and blinked, and then let her gaze travel back up at Milliardo. He watched her, his black boots hitting the ground in a loud, steady rhythm. He stopped in front of her a few inches and stared down at her. She stared right back, until she knew she had lost. Snapping her head down and looking to the bike at her right side, she clenched her fists and closed her eyes. Milliardo closed his eyes and tried to calm down, but his anger had just gotten ahold of him.

     "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" He shouted, his eyes locked on hers. Lucrezia closed her eyes tightly when he yelled, expecting that, but his voice shocked her. He had never yelled at her in his life, never hit her in his life...She looked back up at him slowly, her face expressionless, except for her eyes, which were filled with anger, hurt, fear and resentment. She looked down and drew in a shaky breath. Milliardo reached his left hand out and tilted her chin up, not roughly, but enough to let her know he didn't want to stare at her purple hair all day. She grabbed his hand and twisted his wrist to the right, knowing when to stop to give him a good pain-throbbing sprain. She glared at him, her eyes locked with his steel blue ones. Yanking his hand back in surprise, Milliardo cradled his throbbing and sprained wrist, his eyes full of amazement. Lucrezia shook her head.

     "I knew you were going to say no, Milli. I just knew. It was either ride it then..." Her eyes filled with tears and she gritted her teeth, letting them run down her cheeks. She steadied her voice and shook her head. "Or never." She broke his gaze and stepped around him to run into the institute. Milliardo reached out with his right hand and caught her around the waist, gently, not holding her back if she wanted to keep running. She held onto his arm and stopped, letting him pull her aganst his chest.

     "I shouldn't have taken your bike, Milliardo, I feel like a theif. Please, forgive me." She said sincerely, looking into his blue eyes. He gazed back at her, not knowing how he had ever yelled at her. She nuzzled her head into his chest and a tear slid down her cheek. Milliardo brushed it away and rested his hand on the back of her head. Lucrezia closed her eyes and tried to breath, but her breaths were short and forced.

     "I'm sorry I yelled at you Lucrezia. It's only my bike. But about letting you ride it...if you had asked me when we woke up, I would have said yes. But right now, I want you away from that bike and with me. I want to be with you..." He said, ending in a whisper. Lucrezia looked up slowly and he looked down into her dark violet eyes. She smiled softly, the first time since morning, and Milliardo smiled back. Lucrezia reached for Milliardo's left hand and held it gently, his wrist a purple shade and slightly swollen. Gasping softly, she rested his hand aganst her forehead and closed her eyes.

     Looking back up at him, another tear slipped down her cheek. With his left hand, he touched her cheek and the tear ran onto his finger. "I'm sorry Milli, I know your wrist hurts...I didn't mean to twist it like that..." She whispered, gently intertwining her fingers with his.

     He shook his head slowly. "It dosen't hurt one bit, my Lucrezia. The only pain I feel is that I yelled at you like that, when all you wanted to do was just ride the bike.." He said, brushing his fingers across hers one by one, then kissing her hand. "I don't ever want to loose you Milliardo," Lucrezia whispered, nuzzling her head back into his chest. "And I don't ever want to loose you, Lucrezia." Milliardo whispered, resting his head softly on top of hers.

     ...And for the next few minutes they stood there, their hands intertwined, Lucrezia with her head resting on Milliardo's chest...Milliardo resting his head on hers...Lucrezia's other arm around Milliardo's back and his arm around her lower shoulders...and his injured hand intertwined with Lucrezia's...

Lucrezia Noin-Peacecraft
ICQ: 59678982

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